《曲江二首》杜甫(710-770) __ 江紹倫英譯


一片花飛減卻春  風飄萬點正愁人
且看欲盡花經眼  莫厭傷多酒入唇
江上小堂巢翡翠  花邊高冢臥麒麟
細推物理須行樂  何用浮名絆此身

朝回日日典春衣  每日江頭盡醉歸
酒債尋常行處有  人生七十古來稀
穿花蛺蝶深深見  點水蜻蜓款款飛
傳語風光共流轉  暫時相賞莫相違

《The Winding River — Two Poems》Du Fu

A single falling petal has spring spent
Myriad colorful dots in the wind a worrisome man stands
Enjoy the sumptuous beauty as petals fly pass the eye
Spare no grief as you wet your lips with mellow wines
Kingfishers nest on the eaves of the river-side pavilion
Unicorn statues stand vigil for a tall tomb as time went on
Nature encourages everyone to live singing and dancing
Why should I crave for fame and vanity so confining

On official gown I attend court lessons every morning
Then I get drunk at nearby taverns till evening
Everywhere the cost of wines I owe my debts mighty
Few people lived pass seventy since antiquity
Butterflies dance amid flowers vividly seen
Dragonflies kiss pond waters as they fly enjoying the scene
Do enjoy such beauties in Nature and be free
Time fleets away if you missed such moments of gaiety

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