钗頭鳳 陸遊 (1125-1210);唐琬 (1124-1156)

钗頭鳳           陸遊 (1125-1210)

紅酥手      黃藤酒
東風惡      歡情薄
一懷愁緒    幾年離索
錯    錯    錯

春如舊      人空瘦
桃花落      閑池閣
山盟雖在    錦書難托
莫    莫    莫

Tune: Phoenix Hairpin                       Lu You (1125-1210) 江紹倫譯

Tender hands fine
Well aged wine
In a spring-filled city willows confined
Harsh east winds
Happy feelings thin
My heart filled with misery
Yearnings years too long
Wrong Wrong Wrong

Spring like last year remains
I see you are so thin
Your red kerchief soaked with tears
Peach blossoms fall
By the deserted hall
Our love oaths still true
Messages could not get through
No  No  No

(We know very little about marriages in old times. They were ruled by parents for sure, but not entirely. Lu You divorced his dear wife Tang Wan by his mother’s demand. They met two years later when they were still very much in love. But they were already remarried by then. Those were days when poets were free to write poems on public walls, like graffiti’s today. Lu wrote the first poem. Tang saw it and wrote the second in reply.)

钗頭鳳           唐琬 (1124-1156)

世情薄      人情惡
曉風乾      淚痕殘
欲箋心事    獨語斜闌
難    難    難

人成各      今非昨
角聲寒      夜闌珊
怕人尋問    咽淚妝歡
瞞    瞞    瞞  

Tune: Phoenix Hairpin           Tang Wan (1124-1156)  江紹倫譯

Fairness has worn thin
Relations belligerent
Rain-filled eves hasten flowers to fall
Morning breezes fuss
Traces of tears fade
I wish to write you my feelings
Only to lean on rails alone
Hard  Hard  Hard

You and I have gone different ways
‘Tis no more like yesterday
Hanging tight my injured soul continues to groan
Time-horns their frigid notes blow
Nights persist refusing to grow old
To dispel any query
Tears swallowed I appear cheery
Hide  Hide  Hide

摸魚兒 辛棄疾 (1140-1207)


更能消      幾番風雨    匆匆春又歸去
惜春長怕花開早    何況落紅無數
春且住      見說道      天涯芳草無歸路
怨春不語    算隻有殷勤  畫檐蛛網    鎮日惹飛絮

長門事      準拟佳期又誤      蛾眉曾有人妒
千金縱買相如賦    脈脈此情誰訴
君莫舞      君不見      玉環飛燕皆塵土
閑愁最苦    休去倚危欄  斜陽正在    煙柳斷腸處

Tune: Catching Fish   Xin Qi Ji (1140-1207) 江紹倫譯

(On transfer from Hubei to Hunan I wrote this as Wang Cheng Zhi feasted me)

How much more wind and rain can spring uphold
As it must forthwith recede when old
Lovers of spring are concerned seeing buds in hurry bloom
For early flowers usually shed their red petal too soon
Spring O Spring stay
I’ve often heard people say
Sweet grass roaming wide are doomed to go astray
Silently spring remains
When busy spiders weave webs on painted eaves day by day
To catch willow downs before they are blown away

What could a consort do
As nuptial dates are foregone when due
A favoured beauty will turn envy eyes naturally
Even if love could be bought by songs readily
To whom could she complain this overlooked affection
Keep your dance stationed
You must have seen
How beauties fat and slim to dust they turned in
Unjust sorrows are bitterest to swallow
Where the sun sets heart-broken are the willows

酬樂天揚州初逢席上見贈 劉禹錫(772-842)


Echoing Bai Ju Yi on Our First Meeting       Liu Yu Xi (772-842) 江紹倫譯

The south-west mountain and river region is desolation
Where in exile for twenty-three years I had lived in isolation
To mourn for departed friends I croon hearing but bamboo cries
On native land I existed like caste debris
A thousand sails had passed this sunken ship by
Ten thousand flowers had bloomed around this injured tree
As I hear you chant this comradeship melody today
I raise this cup to wish our good spirit will forever stay

“Habanera” Henri Meilhac (1831 – 97) & Ludovic Halévy (1834 – 1908)

哈巴湼拉舞曲     (法) 汉利.美尔压 与 路度维.亚里菲 普词

Mezzo-soprano aria from Bizet’s opera “Carmen”


Sung by Julia Migenes-Johnson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV9iGv4sKNI

By Teresa Berganza: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oby-hCgZLJc&feature=related

By Maria Callas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fZRssq7UlM&NR=1

Habenera 哈巴湼拉舞

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译







Quand je vous aimerai?                                 我何时会爱你?

 Ma foi, je ne sais pas,                                 我的天,我怎知道。

Peut-être jamais, peut-être demain.                       可能永不,可能明天。

Mais pas aujourd’hui, c’est certain             但不是今天,这是肯定的。

 L’amour est un oiseau rebelle                       爱情是一只反叛的雀鳥

que nul ne peut apprivoiser,                           无人可馴服牠。

et c’est bien en vain qu’on l’appelle,                     牠自承拒绝的话, 

s’il lui convient de refuser.                                   你也只是空喚牠, 

Rien n’y fait, menace ou prière,              用恐吓或祈求,都无法可行。

l’un parle bien, l’autre se tait:                         口善词令者与另沈默寡言者之间

Et c’est l’autre que je préfère,                                   我喜欢另外那人,

Il n’a rien dit mais il me plaît.                            他不做声,我却喜欢他。

L’amour! L’amour! L’amour! L’amour!            爱情!爱情!爱情!爱情!

 L’amour est enfant de Bohème,                     爱情是吉卜赛孩子,

il n’a jamais, jamais connu de loi;              他永不,永不承认法规;

si tu ne m’aimes pas, je t’aime:             你若不爱我,我爱你:

si je t’aime, prends garde à toi!             你若爱我,你就要自己提防!

Si tu ne m’aimes pas,                                       你若不爱我,

Si tu ne m’aimes pas, je t’aime!             你若不爱我,我爱你!

Mais, si je t’aime,                                     但是,你若爱我,

Si je t’aime, prends garde à toi!                你若爱我,你就要自己提防!

Si tu ne m’aimes pas,                                       你若不爱我,

Si tu ne m’aimes pas, je t’aime!             你若不爱我,我爱你!

Mais, si je t’aime,                                     但是,你若爱我,

Si je t’aime, prends garde à toi!                你若爱我,你就要自己提防!

L’oiseau que tu croyais surprendre                 你以為已把那鳥兒捉住,

battit de l’aile et s’envola …                              牠就展翅飞走

l’amour est loin, tu peux l’attendre;                爱情远離,你可等待;

tu ne l’attends plus, il est là!                                你不再等待牠的话,牠就出现!

Tout autour de toi, vite, vite,                             环绕着你,快快的,快快的,

il vient, s’en va, puis il revient …                     牠來,牠去,然後牠再來…

tu crois le tenir, il t’évite,                         你以为把牠抓住,牠就逃去,

tu crois l’éviter, il te tient.                            你以为逃避了牠,牠就抓住你。

L’amour! L’amour! L’amour! L’amour!            爱情!爱情!爱情!爱情!

L’amour est enfant de Bohème,                     爱情是吉卜赛孩子,

il n’a jamais, jamais connu de loi;              他永不,永不承认法规;

si tu ne m’aimes pas, je t’aime:             你若不爱我,我爱你:

si je t’aime, prends garde à toi!        你若爱我,你就要自己提防!

竹枝詞二首 (I) 劉禹錫(772-842)


Nineteen Bamboo Song (I)   Liu Yu Xi (772-842)  江紹倫譯

Meandering through green willows the river murmurs on
I hear you on your boat singing me a song
While the sun shines in the east the west is in rain
You my dear appears aloof but your love for me is plain

燕子樓 (I) (II) (唐)張仲素 (769-819)

燕子樓 (I)       (唐) 張仲素 (769-819)


Swallow Pavilion (I)     江紹倫譯

The dying lamp flickers in the frosty dawn
A widow rises from her nuptial bed mourning on and on
How long is her grief through a sleepless night
Longer than the end of land and sky

燕子樓 (II)      (唐) 張仲素 (769-819)


Swallow Pavilion (II)   江紹倫譯

Pines and cedars around his grave stand shrouded in smoke
In the Swallow Pavilion she mourns his death with no hope
Since the burial of his sword and cloak her songs had disappeared
The perfume on her dancing dress has faded for ten years

北邙;  山名,今河南洛陽東北,古貴人塚多在此。

乌夜啼* (南唐) 李煜


In the tune of “Crow Calling at Night”*                

Li Yu (937-978)

Translation by YK Chan 陈耀国译


Flowers in the grove falling: gone is spring’s brilliance,

Too hastily and soon;

Chilling rain at morn and evening breeze bring helpless gloom.

Blood-rouge tears–

Bewildering but endeared,

When could there be recurrence?

Life-long regrets forever flow like a river thence.


*又名《相见欢》、《秋夜月》、《上西楼》。This tune title is also known as

“Rendezvous Joy”, “Moonlit Fall Evening”, or “Ascending Western Block”.

《山中問答》__ 李白(701-762)


Conversation in the Hills       Li Bai (701-762)  江紹倫譯

I dwell in among green hills someone asks why
My mind at ease with a smile I give no reply
To watch the stream carrying peach blossoms pass my window by
This place is too wonderful for man it is a paradise

江村即事 司空曙 (720-790)


Village by Riverside    Sikong Shu (720-790)   江紹倫譯

Back from fishing I moor not my boat
‘Tis good time to sleep a low moon my hood
Even if the wind o’ernight blows my craft astray
It’ll be amid the reeds in the shallow waterways


古詩十九首 之二


Nineteen Ancient Poems (II)  anonymous   江紹倫譯

Green green is the grass by riverside
Lush lush the garden willows stand with pride
Fair fair is the maiden on the veranda up high
She appears by the window her skin so white
Pink pink is her dress bright as she stands
Stretching out gracefully her slender hands
Born from a mother in a low vocation
Now a wife of a loiterer with no fixed location
Away he wanders with no care for home
She grieves in her empty bed alone