摸魚兒 辛棄疾 (1140-1207)


更能消      幾番風雨    匆匆春又歸去
惜春長怕花開早    何況落紅無數
春且住      見說道      天涯芳草無歸路
怨春不語    算隻有殷勤  畫檐蛛網    鎮日惹飛絮

長門事      準拟佳期又誤      蛾眉曾有人妒
千金縱買相如賦    脈脈此情誰訴
君莫舞      君不見      玉環飛燕皆塵土
閑愁最苦    休去倚危欄  斜陽正在    煙柳斷腸處

Tune: Catching Fish   Xin Qi Ji (1140-1207) 江紹倫譯

(On transfer from Hubei to Hunan I wrote this as Wang Cheng Zhi feasted me)

How much more wind and rain can spring uphold
As it must forthwith recede when old
Lovers of spring are concerned seeing buds in hurry bloom
For early flowers usually shed their red petal too soon
Spring O Spring stay
I’ve often heard people say
Sweet grass roaming wide are doomed to go astray
Silently spring remains
When busy spiders weave webs on painted eaves day by day
To catch willow downs before they are blown away

What could a consort do
As nuptial dates are foregone when due
A favoured beauty will turn envy eyes naturally
Even if love could be bought by songs readily
To whom could she complain this overlooked affection
Keep your dance stationed
You must have seen
How beauties fat and slim to dust they turned in
Unjust sorrows are bitterest to swallow
Where the sun sets heart-broken are the willows

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