“Và, pensiero” Temistocle Solera (1815-78)

Chorus from Verdi’s opera “Nabucco”

“飛翔吧, 游思”(意) 鐵米斯托奇里.苏利拉 譜詞


Performed by the NY Metropolitan Opera Chorus (2001, J. Levine): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BZSqtqr8Qk

Dresden 2001 (G. Sinopoli): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGo8Q4uk7RM&feature=related

Và, pensiero, sull’ali dorate;

và, ti posa sui clivi, sui colli,
ove olezzano tepide e molli
l’aure dolci
suolo natal!del tempo che fu!

Del Giordano le rive saluta,
di Sionne le torri atterrate…
Oh mia patria sì bella e perduta!
Oh membranza sì cara e fatal!


 Arpa d’or dei fatidici vati,
perché muta dal salice pendi?
Le memorie nel petto raccendi,
ci favella

O simile di Sòlima ai fati
traggi un suono di crudo lamento,
o t’ispiri il Signore un concento
che ne infonda al patire virtù.

Tr. YK Chan  陈耀国译

飛翔吧, 游思,乘着金翅膀;



















訴衷情 (唐) 顧夐 (? – 928)

Tune:  Revealing Inner Feelings     (Tang) Gu Xiong (? – 928)   江紹倫譯

Where were you all night leaving me
Not a word from thee
I kept my chamber closed tight
Eyebrows knit
Till the moon out of sight

How could you not long for me
To this lone quilt I loath
Exchange my heart
For your heart
You may feel for me as I feel for thee

書邊事 (唐) 張喬

On the Frontier     (Tang Dynasty) Zhang Qiao  江紹倫譯

Bugle sounds cut through the austere autumn air
Tired of fighting I lean out in the watch tower for a rest
Whence vernal breezes keep graves green and fair
The white sun sets toward the northwest

The vast desert is free of troops for now
Travellers brave to reach the far frontier
The Barbarian wishes are like rivers in this area
They strive to push down south year after year

山渣子 牛希濟 (? – 925)

Tune: Mountain Hawthron     Niu Xi Ji (? – 925)  江紹倫譯

Spring hills are about to rid their misty veil
Brightening sky sees stars small and pale
The waning moon her face in shiny hue
Approaching dawn tears turn to dews

Much has been said
Love relations yet to be set
She turns to emphatically add
Keep this green skirt deep in your mind
Where’er you roam do not leave this love behind

靜秀峰 桂林 (現代)無名氏

Peak of Solitary Charm, Guilin    (Contemporary) Anonymous    江紹倫譯

A majestic pillar stands guard for the Southern sky
I ascend the cliff to view the beautiful sceneries from all sides
Winds and clouds rise beneath my very feet
Stars and constellations embrace my chest so neat
Hills shoot up from the land a thousand measures tall
Round the town the Li River meanders providing water for all
On this mountain top I croon free and happy
The sound waves send chimney smokes up daning from ten thousand families

“Una voce poco fa” Cesare Sterbini (1784-1831)

剛过的一點人声”  (意) 奇沙里. 斯塔尓賓里 譜詞 

Mezzo-soprano aria from Rossini’s opera “Il Barbiere di Silviglia” 


Comments: This is Rosina’s character (a ward of Dr. Bartolo) song in this comic opera.  She becomes the Countess (Contessa) in Mozart’s  “The Marriage of Figaro” after marrying  Count Almaviva , “Lindoro” in “The Barber of Seville”.  Again, Maria Ewing wins my vote for the best portrayal of Rosina in this Rossini’s opera, a typical piece of bel canto singing. 

Performed by Maria Ewing (mezzo-soprano/soprano): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4kwM5Ylr4k
By Cecilia Bartoli (mezzo-soprano): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDyXqf0at_w&feature=related
Tr. YK Chan  陳耀國譯
Una voce poco fa
qui nel cor mi risuonò;
il mio cor ferito è già, 我的心经已受创,
e Lindor fu che il piagò. 那是林多奴的箭所为。 Sì, Lindoro mio sarà;
lo giurai, la vincerò. 我己为此发誓,我将赢取他。
Il tutor ricuserà, 我的监护人会拒我所求,
io l'ingegno aguzzerò. 我会施用我的技巧.
Alla fin s'accheterà 他最后将会接受, 
e contenta io resterò.
Sì, Lindoro mio sarà; 是的,林多奴将归屬我 
lo giurai, la vincerò. 我己为此发誓,我将赢取他。
Io sono docile, son rispettosa, 我相当溫柔,尊重他人,
sono obbediente, dolce, amorosa; 我相当顺从,溫和,爱惜他人;
mi lascio reggere, mi fo guidar. 我由人管治,由人领导
Ma se mi toccano dov'è il mio debole 但如果他们碰撞我的弱點
sarò una vipera e cento trappole 我会成为一条毒蛇和百样圈套
prima di cedere farò giocar…ecc.

鹧鸪天 (宋) 晏幾道 (1038-1110)

Tune: Partridge Sky   Yan Qi Dao (1038-1110)  江紹倫譯

With your colourful sleeeve you pour me wine again and again
Those were the days when we sang and drank not caring to think
You danced like willows keeping the moon in the tower
You sang in tune wih the breezes stirred up by the peach blossom fan

Ever since we parted I’ve been recalling our togetherness
Time and again I dreamed of being with you
Tonight I gaze at you in candle light it seems
Being together with you is only possible in my dreams

攤破浣溪沙 (宋) 李清照 (1084-1156)

Tune: Silk-Washing Stream, Broken Form      Li Qing Zhao (1084-1156)  江紹倫譯Following extended illness grey hair on my temples easily seen
In my sick bed I see the waning moon through the window screen
Why boil water burning twigs with cardouron seeds
For taking medicine no need

On pillows poetry books are best placed for convenient reading
Outside my door the scenery is best when raining
I enjoy my neighbour’s wines and caring
Osmanthus flowers