鹧鸪天 (宋) 晏幾道 (1038-1110)

Tune: Partridge Sky   Yan Qi Dao (1038-1110)  江紹倫譯

With your colourful sleeeve you pour me wine again and again
Those were the days when we sang and drank not caring to think
You danced like willows keeping the moon in the tower
You sang in tune wih the breezes stirred up by the peach blossom fan

Ever since we parted I’ve been recalling our togetherness
Time and again I dreamed of being with you
Tonight I gaze at you in candle light it seems
Being together with you is only possible in my dreams

臨江仙 晏幾道(1030~1106)



Tune: Immortals By the River                       江紹倫譯

Awake from my dream I find the tower locked tight
Heavy curtains hang low a sober sight
Whence last year’s spring sorrows visit and grow
Alone I stand amid flower buds unfold
In the drizzle a pair of swallows left leaving no trace to follow

I still remember when I first met lovely Ping
Her silk dress embroidered with two hearts locked in a ring
She played the pipa to sing her love for me
The moon was our witness
She brought home for me a cloud of such brilliance