憶帝京 柳永 (987-1053)

帝京 柳永 (987-1053)
Tune: Recalling the Imperial Capital       Liu Yong (987-1053)  江紹倫譯

薄衾小枕天氣         乍覺别離滋味
展轉數寒更        起了還重睡
畢竟不成眠        一夜長如歲

In meager quilt and small pillow when weather is cold
I begin to suffer the parting sorrow
Tossing in bed I count the chilly hours
Getting up only to return to bed however
Can’t sleep
The night feels lonely as year

也擬待      卻回征轡
又争奈      已成行計
萬種思量    多方開解    隻恁寂寞厭厭地

How I wish to return to you for perpetual stay
But I’m already far away
A thousand deliberations entertained
Mounts of excuses said in vain
They only accentuate my loneliness as much as I hate

系我一身心  負你千行淚

My heart is tied to you my remaining years
Not enough to compensate for all your tears

“Non più andrai” Lorenzo Da Ponte (1749-1838)

Figaro (R) & Cherubino (L)

Mozart’s baritone aria from “The Marriage of Figaro”

“你完疍了”   (意) 罗兰素.达邦提 谱词


Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国譯

Aria background: Figaro the barber [see http://blog.wykontario.org/?p=5031] has become Count Almaviva’s head servant after the Count [as “Lindoro” in “The Barber of Seville”; see http://blog.wykontario.org/?p=5084] marries Rosina.  In this aria, Figaro mocks Cherubino, the Count’s teen page, who is being ordered by the Count to join the army as his punishment for constantly flirting with the females in the household.  In Cherubino’s own aria “Voi che sapete” [http://blog.wykontario.org/?p=5301], we’ve seen him as a teenage boy who sings about his hot flashes of puberty.

Performed by Hermann Prey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3BthgYwbIU&feature=related

by Jose van Dam: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4DzUcGQpO8&feature=related

by Ruggero Raimondi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3UCxd_KSVo&feature=related

Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso,  你完疍了,多情的浪蝶,
Notte e giorno d´intorno girando,  日与夜在室內週旋,

Delle belle turbando il riposo,  打擾少女们的安息,
Narcisetto, Adoncino d´amor.  衷於自我憐爱之情。

Delle belle turbando il riposo,  打擾少女们的安息,
Narcisetto, Adoncino d´amor.  衷於自我憐爱之情。

Non più avrai questi bei penacchini,  你不会再有那些漂亮的羽毛,
Quel cappello leggiero e galante,  那轻灵而堂皇的帽子,
Quella chioma, quell´aria brillante,  那秀发,那才华滿溢的氣派,
Quel vermiglio donnesco color!  那女人形的红光滿臉!

Quel vermiglio donnes color!  那女人形的红光滿臉!

Non più avrai quei penacchini,  你不会再有那些羽毛,
Quel cappello  那帽子
Quella chioma, quell´aria brillante!  那秀发,那才华滿溢的氣派!

Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso,  你完疍了,多情的浪蝶,
Notte e giorno d´intorno girando,  日与夜在室內週旋,
Delle belle turbando il riposo,  打擾少女们的安息,
Narcisetto, Adoncino d´amor.  衷於自我憐爱之情。

Delle belle turbando il riposo,  打擾少女们的安息,
Narcisetto, Adoncino d´amor.  衷於自我憐爱之情。

Fra guerrieri, poffar Bacco!  你要与士兵们一起,真的酒神!
Gran mustacchi, stretto sacco,  大胡子,緊背囊,
Schioppo in spalla, sciabla al fianco,  肩挑上槍,劍配在旁,
Collo dritto, jules is god,  頸要挺,臉不改容,
Un gran casco, o un gran turbante,  戴上大大的头盔,或是头巾,
Molto onor, poco contante.  荣耀多,錢财少。
Poco contante  錢财少
Poco contante  錢财少

Ed in vece del fandango  又並非跳快舞
Una marcia per il fango.  却要在泥浆上行军。

Per montagne, per valloni,  上山,下谷,
Con le nevi, e i solioni,  冒霜雪,晒暴日,
Al concerto di tromboni,  应对喇叭,
Di bombarde, di cannoni,  轟炸,响炮,
Che le palle in tutti i tuoni,  子弹橫飞如雷,
All´orecchio fan fischiar.  有如耳边的口哨般响。

Non più avrai quei penacchini,  你不会再有那些羽毛,
Non più avrai quel cappello  再沒有那帽子
Non più avrai quella chioma  再沒有那秀发
Non più avrai quell´aria brillante.  再沒有那才华滿溢的氣派!

Non più andrai, farfallone amoroso,  你完疍了,多情的浪蝶,
Notte e giorno d´intorno girando,  日与夜在室內週旋,
Delle belle turbando il riposo,  打擾少女们的安息,
Narcisetto, Adoncino d´amor.  衷於自我憐爱之情。

Delle belle turbando il riposo,  打擾少女们的安息,
Narcisetto, Adoncino d´amor.  衷於自我憐爱之情。

Cherubino, alla vittoria!  卡路賓奴,朝向胜利吧!
Alla gloria militar!  朝向军事的光荣吧!
Cherubino, alla vittoria!  卡路賓奴,朝向胜利吧!
Alla gloria militar!  朝向军事的光荣吧!
Alla gloria militar!  朝向军事的光荣吧!

Alla gloria militar!  朝向军事的光荣吧!

憫農二首 (唐) 李紳(772—846)

春種一粒粟  秋收萬顆子
四海無閒田  農夫猶餓死
鋤禾日當午  汗滴禾下土
誰知盤中餐  粒粒皆辛苦
Feeling for Farmers (I)     Li Shen (780-846)  江紹倫譯
A single seed planted in spring
In autumn ten thousand yields harvest bring
Where not a field is left untilled
Why farmers die of hunger still
Feeling for Farmers (II)
At noon they hoe preparing fields for planting
Their sweat drip on the rice shoots washing
Who would remember the rice in our bowls
Every grain comes from hard toils untold

金縷衣 (唐) 無名氏


The Golden Dress                   (Tang Dynasty)   Anonymous  江紹倫譯

Love not your dress of golden threads I say
Love the hours of your youthful days
Gather flowers in full bloom while you may
Wait not until they turn into dry twigs I pray

《望月懷遠》 (唐) 張九齡(678-740)__ 江紹倫英譯

海上生明月  天涯共此時
情人怨遙夜  竟夕起相思

滅燭憐光滿  披衣覺露滋
不堪盈手贈  還寝夢佳期

Pining for you in Moonlight              Zhang Jiu Ling (678-740)   江紹倫譯

The moon floods her brilliance over the ocean face
A moment shared by people in all places
While lovers complain the unending night
Yearning to see each other till dawn appears in sight

I blow out the candle the room is fully bright
I don my coat to feel the moist of dew
How I love to give you these moonbeams white
Better to return to bed to dream of you

焚書坑 章碣 (837-?)


Book Burning Pit                    Zhang Jie (837 – ?)  江紹倫譯

Smoke of burning classics rise to signal the empire’s fall
Wall gates and rivers fail to guard the imperial dragon hall
Before the burning pit cooled the rebels east of the mountain is gathering speed
The leaders Liu and Xian are not interested  to read

生查子 (宋) 朱淑真*

Tune: “Hawthorn Fruit”   Zhu Shuzhen* (ca. 1135-1180 CE)

Tr. YK Chan 陳耀國譯


去年元夜时, Last year at Lantern Festival night
花市灯如昼。 Flower mart was lit bright as daylight.
头, To willow top the moon rising up
约黄昏后。 I met my rendezvous after dusk.

今年元夜时, This year at Lantern Festival night
与灯依旧。 There still are the same old moon and lights.
见去年人, Last year’s rendezvous not in sight
泪湿春衫袖。 My sleeves soaked wet by tears I fight.

*一作【宋】欧阳修. Some regard Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072 CE) as the author of this ci.

灑泉子 (宋) 潘阆 (? -1009)

長憶西湖                盡日憑闌樓上望
三三兩兩釣魚舟          島嶼正清秋

笛聲依約蘆花裏          白鳥成行忽驚起
别來閑整釣魚竿          思入水雲寒

Tune: Wine Spring                 (Sung) Pan Lang (? -1009)   江紹倫譯

I shall always remember West Lake
Daily I watched leaning on the rails gazing with no break
Fish boats passed by in twos and threes
And islets in clear crisp autumn breezes

From amid the flowery reeds flute songs rose
Startled white birds swiftly took flight in rows
Departed I now repair my fishing rod in my leisure
Lost in thoughts of water and clouds with cool pleasure