生查子 (宋) 朱淑真*

Tune: “Hawthorn Fruit”   Zhu Shuzhen* (ca. 1135-1180 CE)

Tr. YK Chan 陳耀國譯


去年元夜时, Last year at Lantern Festival night
花市灯如昼。 Flower mart was lit bright as daylight.
头, To willow top the moon rising up
约黄昏后。 I met my rendezvous after dusk.

今年元夜时, This year at Lantern Festival night
与灯依旧。 There still are the same old moon and lights.
见去年人, Last year’s rendezvous not in sight
泪湿春衫袖。 My sleeves soaked wet by tears I fight.

*一作【宋】欧阳修. Some regard Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072 CE) as the author of this ci.

2 thoughts on “生查子 (宋) 朱淑真*

  1. hi, y k,

    nice rendition.

    may i submit an alternative rendition below, please.

    去年元夜時, 花市燈如晝。
    月上柳梢頭, 人約黃昏後。
    今年元夜時, 月與燈依舊。
    不見去年人, 淚濕青衫袖。

    Tune: Wild Hawthorn
    “Evening on Chinese Valentine’s Day ”
    (the 15th Day of the 1st Moon) Ouyang Xiu (Song)
    On the fifteenth night of the Lunar New Year last —
    Bright lanterns lit up the flowers market like noon;
    When atop the willows softly sat the full moon,
    As pledg’d, two young lovers came and met ev’ning past.

    O! On the fifteenth night of this Lunar New Year —
    The full moon and the bright lanterns are here the same,
    But not a trace of the last year’s person unnamed…
    Now her green, green sleeves are wet with many a tear!


  2. Still another translation:
    Last year at Lantern Fest night
    Flowers and lanterns bright as daylight
    Whence willow-tops appeared the full moon
    You and I met not a minute too soon

    This year at Lantern Fest night
    Lanterns and moon as ever bright
    How I miss you my love of year last
    Tears wet my sleeves fast

    Kong Shiu Loon

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