《九章 – 橘頌》__ 屈原 (前335?-前296)

九章·橘頌 屈原 Ode to Orange (a gentleman)  Qu Yuan   江紹倫譯
後皇嘉樹 橘徠服兮 A blessed tree between heaven and earth
The noble orange stands
受命不遷 生南國兮 Destined to thrive in the south
‘Tis not intended for any other land
深固難徙 更壹志兮 Roots firmly entrenched
Your will a single strand
綠葉素榮 紛其可喜兮 Green leaves enshrine glorious blooms
A sight in colourful beam
曾枝剡棘 圓果摶兮 On branches grow protruding thorns
Glittering round fruits adorn
青黃雜糅 文章爛兮 Green and yellow a mix of harmony
Flowery words sing tunes of fine melody
精色内白 類任道兮 External colours fine
Internal purity divine
紛缊宜修 姱而不醜兮 A thousand charms inculcated
Not a single shade of ugliness imbued
嗟爾幼志 有以異兮 You are out of the ordinary
Even young you are exemplary
獨立不遷 豈不可喜兮 Independent will so free
We watch in glee
深固難徙 廓其無求兮 Roots firmly entrenched
You seek nothing unneeded
蘇世獨立 橫而不流兮 You proudly guard your virtue and vision
Distancing vulgarity in all seasons
閉心自慎 不終失過兮 Discreet and cautiousness you keep
No wrongs could to you creep
秉德無私 參天地兮 Virtuous and selfless
In heaven as on earth you show uniqueness
原歲并謝 與長友兮 Willingly fade in year’s end
I should like to be your friend
淑離不淫 梗其有理兮 Fair and upright
Your trunk grows right
年歲雖少 可師長兮 Your age though few
Even old folks may learn from you
行比伯夷 置以爲像兮 An example so inspiring
All humble folks admiring

御街行 (宋) 范仲淹 (969-1052)

紛紛墜葉飄香砌           夜寂静             寒聲碎
真珠簾卷玉樓空           天淡銀河垂地
年年今夜          月華如練          長是人千里

愁腸已斷無由醉           酒未到             先成淚
殘燈明滅枕頭倚           諳盡孤眠滋味
都來此事          眉間心上          無計相回避

Tune: Strolling on Royal Walk          Fan Zhong Yan (969-1052)    江紹倫譯

On fragrant steps green leaves shower
In a night still
Broken sounds chill 

Behind rolled up curtains an empty bower
From a pale sky the Milky Ways lower

This night every year
Bright moonlight near
We are a thousand li apart 

A broken heart allows me not to get drunk
Before wines arrive
Tears have my face covered

I rest on my pillow alone in flickering light
To feel the sorrow of a lonely night 

Griefs as they appear
On brows or deep in the heart
Unavoidable they are

踏莎行 (宋) 歐陽修 (1007-1072)

候館梅殘    溪橋柳細    草薰風暖搖征轡

離愁漸遠漸無窮    迢迢不斷如春水

寸寸柔腸    盈盈粉淚    樓高莫近危闌倚

平蕪盡處是春山    行人更在春山外

Tune: Treading On Grass       Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072)  江紹倫譯

Mume blossoms by the roadside are fading
Willow trees near the small bridge greening
Amid warm air and fragrant grass a rider is set to go

The farther he roams the heavier his parting grief grows
On and on like torrents in the spring river flow

Tender guts hurt inch by inch
On her teary face longing eyes are locked in
Against the railing up high she must not lean

To the end of the plain lies the spring hills
Her rider husband is already beyond her view

“Che farò senza Euridice?” Ranieri de’ Calzabigi (1714-95)

Mezzo-soprano/counter-ternor/contralto aria from Gluck’s opera Orfeo ed Euridice

For the story of this opera, which is based on Greek mythology,  see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orfeo_ed_Euridice


 (意) 卡尔撒比基 谱词 

古鲁克歌剧” 欧非奥与尤丽迪奇”女中(低)音咏叹调

Performed by Janet Baker (mezzo):  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3rgeyMC-3Q&feature=related

By Jennifer Larmore (mezzo):  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFS9hnIAkes&feature=related

By Marie-Nicole Lemieux (contralto) :  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXzFIBhUruk

By Giuletta Simonato (mezzo):  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IxT8RUg97w&feature=related

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Che farò senza Euridice?                            我沒有尤丽迪奇甚麼办?
Dove andrò senza il mio ben?                 有我的愛人我可上那兒去?
Che farò?                                                                
Dove andrò?                                                        我可上那兒去?
Che farò senza il mio ben?                        
Dove andrò senza il mio ben?                 有我的愛人我可上那兒去? 

Euridice! Euridice!                                          尤丽迪奇!尤丽迪奇!
O Dio! Rispondi!                                                

Io son pure il tuo fedele!                               我完全忠心於你!

Io son pure il tuo fedel, il tuo fedele!    我完全忠心於你,忠心於你! 

Che farò senza Euridice?                               我沒有尤丽迪奇甚麼办?
Dove andrò senza il mio ben?                    有我的愛人我可上那兒去?
Che farò?                                                                  
Dove andrò?                                                           我可上那兒去?
Che farò senza il mio ben?                          
Dove andrò senza il mio ben                     有我的愛人我可上那兒去? 

Euridice! Euridice!                                            尤丽迪奇!尤丽迪奇!
Ah! Non m’avanza                                             呀!沒有再人给我
più soccorso, più speranza                         
nè dal mondo, nè dal ciel!                            不由地、不由天!

Che farò senza Euridice?                              我沒有尤丽迪奇甚麼办?
Dove andrò senza il mio ben?                  
Che farò?                                                                   
Dove andrò?                                                          
Che farò senza il mio ben?                           
Che farò?                                                                    我甚麼办?
Dove andrò?                                                           我可上那兒去?
Che farò senza il mio ben?                           
Senza il mio ben?                                               
Senza il mio ben?                                               

采桑子 (宋) 歐陽修 (1007-1072)



Tune: Picking Mulberries                  Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072)       江紹倫譯

On a light boat pedaled by short oars the West Lake is fair
Crystal water white and clear
Beyond the blue grass appears the long dike
Light music echoes hitter and thither delight

Smooth as a mirror is the lake when no breeze blowing
One feels the boat not moving
Ripples their shimmering flare
Frightened water birds skim over the winding shore

采桑子 (宋) 歐陽修 (1007-1072)



Tune: Picking Mulberries                  Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072) 江紹倫譯

Rid of colourful flowers the West Lake stays fair
Scattered red petals everywhere
Catkins fill the air like a mist veil
Wavy willows along rails invite breezes all day

Music and singers gone with visitors
Feeling spring empty
I lower the blinds in vain
A pair of swallows appear returning in drizzling rain

西江月 (宋) 司馬光 (1019-1086)



Tune: Moon on West River                Sima Guang (1019-1086)  江紹倫譯

She has her hair done up in a bun fluffy
Wearing simple makeup she appears happy
Delightful as engulfed in a purple mist
Her graceful steps light as willow downs I shall miss

Before we part we already wish to meet
Our love appears casual it is by no means weak
Tipsiness overcomes there are no more songs
Nobody around in the deep courtyard the moon shines on

《詩經 鄭風》女曰雞鳴

《詩經 鄭風》女曰雞鳴

女曰雞鳴     士曰昧旦     子興視夜
明星有爛     將翱將翔     弋鳧與鴈

弋言加之     與子宜之     宜言飲酒
與子偕老     琴瑟在御     莫不靜好

知子之來之   雜佩以贈之
知子之順之   雜佩以問之
知子之好之   雜佩以報之

Hark Crows the Cock          Book of Poetry  江紹倫譯

Hark crows the cock maiden says
‘Tis not yet dawn man says
Why not rise to watch the night sky
And see stars shining bright
Wild geese and ducks soar and fly
I will bring them down from high

Shooting games you are good
Cooking them I’ll make fine food
Together let us share this wine
Together we will grow old so fine
With zither by our side
Harmony we shall abide

I know you will tenderly care
Pearls are yours to wear
I know you will willingly obey
How could pearls ever repay
I know your committal love
Nothing more shall I ask

望海潮 柳永 (987-1053)

望海潮     柳永 (987-1053)
Tune: Watching the Tides      Liu Yong (987-1053)   江紹倫譯

東南形勝    江吳都會    錢塘自古繁華
Southeast scenic splendor
Capital of ancient Kingdom Wu
Qiantang thrives today as ever

煙柳畫橋    風簾翠幕    參差十萬人家
Misty willows along painted bridges
Breezy windows their curtains green
To adorn a hundred thousand dwellings

雲樹繞堤沙  怒濤卷霜雪  天塹無涯    市列珠璣    戶盈羅绮競豪奢
Cloud-crowned tees surround the sandy banks
Roaring waves roll up a sky of snowy sands
This river extends to land’s end
Mounts of pearly jewels on display at the daily fair
Homes filled with splendid silk and satin array
Folks here compete in magnificent opulence


重湖疊瓛清嘉      有三秋桂子  十裏荷花
Layers of lakes reflect the peaks and serene towers
Autumn fragrances linger with osmanthus flowers
Ten thousand li of blooming lotus

羌管弄晴    菱歌泛夜    嬉嬉釣叟蓮娃
Northern pipes play with sunshine
Water chestnut songs sung on starry nights
Old fishermen and native maidens beam with delight

千騎擁高牙  乘醉聽簫鼓  吟賞煙霞
A thousand stallions hoisting flags to bid your arrival
Tipsy you may best appreciate melodies of flutes and drums
Chanting praises for this wonderful land beneath the sun

異日圖將好景      歸去鳳池誇
On a future date you might render this grand scene in flowery narrations
And boast your experience to the court with warm affection