踏莎行 (宋) 歐陽修 (1007-1072)

候館梅殘    溪橋柳細    草薰風暖搖征轡

離愁漸遠漸無窮    迢迢不斷如春水

寸寸柔腸    盈盈粉淚    樓高莫近危闌倚

平蕪盡處是春山    行人更在春山外

Tune: Treading On Grass       Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072)  江紹倫譯

Mume blossoms by the roadside are fading
Willow trees near the small bridge greening
Amid warm air and fragrant grass a rider is set to go

The farther he roams the heavier his parting grief grows
On and on like torrents in the spring river flow

Tender guts hurt inch by inch
On her teary face longing eyes are locked in
Against the railing up high she must not lean

To the end of the plain lies the spring hills
Her rider husband is already beyond her view

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