垓下唐 (漢)项羽 (232-202 BC)


Final Song       Xiang Yu (232-202 BC)          江紹倫譯

My will transcend I can pull up a mountain with my might
When fortune wanes even my steed refuses to fight
I care not if the steed is afraid to die
My love I do care if you know my mind

兵車行 (唐) 杜甫(712-770)

耶娘妻子走相送   塵埃不見咸陽橋
牽衣頓足攔道哭   哭聲直上乾雲霄
道旁過者問行人   行人但云點行頻
或從十五北防河   便至四十西營田

The Conscript March (selected part)  Du Fu (712-770)          江紹倫譯

Chariots rumble rumble
Horses grumble grumble
The conscripts march to the front to fight with arrow and bow
Parents and wives run along to say goodbye
Dust from their running blind the Senyuen Bridge out right
They wail and stamp their feet trying to halt the onward march
Their heart-rending cries strike even clouds which leave fast
A passer-by inquires what is happening
Conscripts reply that draft orders will be continuously in
Fifteen-year-olds are sent to guard the northern shore
By age forty they will be compelled to farm the wilderness on tour

望岳 (唐) 杜甫(712-770)

岱宗夫如何 齊魯青未了
造化鐘神秀 陰陽割昏曉

盪胸生層雲 決眥入歸鳥
會當凌絕頂 一覽眾山小

Mt Tai Peak               Tu Fu (712-770)               江紹倫譯

A supreme peak you loom
Your greens sprawl over the states of Chi and Lu
You are the wonder of Nature’s feat so fine
Wielding ying and yang you have night and day defined

On your lap layers of clouds glide
Birds fly by you seen only with strained eyes
To ascend to your very top I must try
All other peaks will stand beneath feet of mine

My Heart Leaps Up by William Wordsworth (1770-1850)

My heart leaps up when I behold
A Rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the man;
And I wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.

陈耀国译  Trans. YK Chan:

我心雀跃                (英) 威廉.韋兹活斯










《九歌 – 雲中君》__ 屈原 (前332-前296)

浴蘭湯兮沐芳      華採衣兮若英
靈連蜷兮既留      爛昭昭兮未央

謇將憺兮壽宮      與日月兮齊光
龍駕兮帝服          聊翱遊兮周章

靈皇皇兮既降      猋遠舉兮雲中
覽冀洲兮有餘      橫四海兮焉窮

思夫君兮太息      極勞心兮忡忡

To the Cloud Lord       Qu Yuan (BC335?-296)         江紹倫譯

Perfumed in an orchid bath you appear on view
Your clothes brilliant in varying hues
With fleecy locks you race to reach unlimited heights
In colourful splendour you skilfully paint the morning sky

Your many radiant faces thrive at high noon
Your whiteness pure and bright to match that of the sun and moon
Along your side the dragon glides in formidable attire
Your wandering movements so free in spirit we admire

In silvery drops you descend on mother earth in rain
On wind’s wings you rise ever so high again
Seeing all continents at ease in a single sweep
You float across the four seas to survey their deeps

To show my longing for you I could but sigh
My heart belongs to you however high you fly

除夜有懷 (唐)崔塗

迢遞三巴路  羈危萬里身
亂山殘雪夜  孤燭異鄉人

漸與骨肉遠  轉於僮僕親 
那堪正飄泊  明日歲華新

Thoughts on New Year’s Eve       Cui Tu       江紹倫譯

Far and wide the roads to Ba country in the west
Ten thousand li away from home my heart knows no rest
Amid the snow covered hills I pass the night
A stranger I remain by candle light

Farther and farther I stay away from my dear kins
Servants befriend me their care goes without hints
O how I loath to remain in this roving life
On New Year’s Day tomorrow I’ll begin anew out right

黃鶴樓 (唐)崔顥 (704?-754)

昔人已乘黃鶴去    此地空餘黃鶴樓
黃鶴一去不復返    白雲千載空悠悠
晴川歷歷漢陽樹    芳草萋萋鸚鵡洲
日暮鄉關何處是    煙波江上使人愁

The Yellow Crane Tower       Cui Hao           江紹倫譯

The resident immortal has left with the legend yellow crane
What remains in this empty tower is only in name
Whence the yellow crane gone its soul will not return again
White clouds timelessly drift free of any concern for loss or gain

On a sunny day every tree stands on the wide plain clear
Sweet grass thrive on Parrot Islet their aroma drifts near
Where O Where is my homeland beyond the setting sun
The Han River’s misty ripples make my yearning for home run

Happy New Year 2010

元日 王安石(1021~1086)2010 Happy New Year


New Year’s Day           Wang An Shi (1021-1086) (江紹倫譯)

On a sound of firecrackers we bid farewell to the year old
As vernal breezes warm up the Tu Su brew we welcome the new
The sun shines visiting thousands of family doors
Every door displays new couplets to celebrate the New Year for all

《湘靈鼓瑟》 (唐)錢起(722-780)

善鼓雲和瑟        常聞帝子靈
馮夷空自舞        楚客不堪聽
苦調淒金石        清音入杳冥
蒼梧來怨慕        白芷動芳馨
流水傳湘浦        悲風過洞庭
曲終人不見        江上數峰青

相傳錢起於天寶十年(751)赴考省試,宿於鎮江旅舍,夢中再三聽見有人吟詩曰,  [曲終人下見,江上數峰青]。第二天他到了試場,看見試題是[[湘靈鼓瑟]]正好用這兩個句子終結答卷。因為他的答卷得到試官的嘆賞,他順利進士。


《Musical Soul of the Xiang River 》      Qian Qi(722-780)        江紹倫譯

The booms of her drum harmonize with the zither to please the clouds
From yonder the Saintly Emperor’s soul is aroused
Dances the Water Goddess so gay
Southerners listen in daze
Her performance induces metal and stone to sing drearily
The clear tones fuse with echoes in space merrily
The old plane tree is moved to express its admiration
Scented white reeds release perfume for saturation
The music flows with the Xaing River to its extent
Then veers across Dong Ting Lake raising a whirl of desolation
No one can be found whence the melodies ended
On upper river verdant peaks silently stand

送僧歸日本 (唐)錢起(722-780)

上國隨緣住        來途若夢行
浮天滄海遠        去世法舟輕
水月通禪寂        魚龍聽梵聲
惟憐一燈影        萬里眼中明

Seeing a Japanese Bonze Off to Home        Qian Qi(722-780)        江紹倫譯

By divine design you had come to our country to learn
The voyage you took could be part of a dreamy sojourn
The sea boundless is far like the sky’s extent
Sailed on Buddhist blessings your vessel light and transcend
Water and moon are both objects of Zen tranquillity
Fish and dragon are moved by chants of the Sutra so heavenly
Held high a solitary lamp can enlighten your mind with insight
Ten thousand li from here will you see us with eyes so bright