上國隨緣住 來途若夢行
浮天滄海遠 去世法舟輕
水月通禪寂 魚龍聽梵聲
惟憐一燈影 萬里眼中明
Seeing a Japanese Bonze Off to Home Qian Qi(722-780) 江紹倫譯
By divine design you had come to our country to learn
The voyage you took could be part of a dreamy sojourn
The sea boundless is far like the sky’s extent
Sailed on Buddhist blessings your vessel light and transcend
Water and moon are both objects of Zen tranquillity
Fish and dragon are moved by chants of the Sutra so heavenly
Held high a solitary lamp can enlighten your mind with insight
Ten thousand li from here will you see us with eyes so bright