《落葉》 孔绍安 (577-?)

早秋驚落葉    飄零似客心
翻飛未肯下    猶言惜故林

Fallen Leaf     Kong Shao An (577-?) 江紹倫譯

I try to see leaves twirl in air during early fall
It feels like how a lone traveller roams with no home to call
Every leaf twists and twirls as if unwilling to fall
Lingering to show loyalty to the trees which mothered them all

敕勒歌 南北朝 無名氏


Shepherd Song           Anonymous (Six Dynasty)         江紹倫譯 

Along the Li Lei Rill
Beneath the Yin Hill
The firmaments oversee the grassland tranquil
Like a huge cover the sky shield
While land explores earth’s corners unwilling to yield
Blue yonder the sky hovers
Wilderness the land covers
Blows lower all grass so grazing cattle I see

杳杳寒山道 (唐)寒山

杳杳寒山道  落落冷澗濱
啾啾常有鳥  寂寂更無人
淅淅風吹面  紛紛雪積身
朝朝不見日  歲歲不知春

The Cold Hill Way     Han Shen         江紹倫譯

Long long the way to Cold Hill
Inward inward the waterside chill
Chirp chirp I hear many a singing bird
Silent silent no one here to say any word
Crisp crisp winds blow across my face
Flake after flake snow covers my body
I look every morning and see no sun
I search every year meeting no spring

春泛若耶溪 (唐)綦毋潜

幽意無斷絕  此去隨所偶
晚風吹行舟  花路入溪口
際夜轉西壑  隔山望南斗
潭煙飛溶溶  林月低向後
生事且瀰漫  願為持竿叟

Spring Boating on the Ruoye Stream           Qiwu Qian        江紹倫譯

A reclusive life I continue to cherish
Whatever nature provides I’ll flourish
The evening breeze blows my boat ahead with steam
To reach the entrance of the welcoming floral stream
By night we turn west into the vale I well know
From this side of the hill I watch the Dipper agrow
Above the placid pool mist rises behold
The moon hangs high as seen in the forest below
As life proceeds calm and persisting
I am at peace an old man with a fishing rod abiding

游子吟 (唐)孟郊(751-814)

慈母手中線     遊子身上衣
臨行密密縫     意恐遲遲歸
誰言寸草心     報得三春暉 

A Roamer Sings         Meng Jiao(751-814)            江紹倫譯

Needle and thread in mother’s hand
Preparing clothes for a son going to far away land
Sewing stitches quicken as parting draws near
His return may be in delay mother fears
Who says a son’s casual affection
Is adequate in return for Mum’s undivided devotion

《歸雁》 (唐)錢起 (722-780)


《The Returning Geese 》           Qian Qi (722-780)                   江紹倫譯

Why leave where you were for here so easily geese
Blue water white sands beneath mossy river banks designed to please
As the River Goddess plays the zither of twenty-five strings this moonlit night
Will you not be touched by the many regrets each string sings nigh

《青玉案 – 元夕》 (宋)辛棄疾 (1140-1207) 江紹倫英譯

更吹落      星如雨
鳳簫聲動    玉壺光轉

驀然回首    那人卻在

《Tune: Green Jade Desk – Lantern Festival》 Xin Qi Ji

A thousand trees agrow with flowers and breezes
Everywhere laughter hisses
We bring down stars in a shower
The road fragrant with prized steeds hurrying carved carriages through
The air filled with music vibrating from ringing flutes
Wine jars of jade pour and turn in good mood
Through the night lanterns of fish or dragon danced with the best moves

Wearing blouses embroidered with golden moths and white willow
Delightful maidens sweep by giggling leaving a trail of scent mellow
I looked for my maiden a thousand rounds in the crowd
Whence I turned my head
There she was amid dim lanterns lights subdue

永遇樂 (宋)蘇軾(1037-1101)


彭城夜宿燕子樓    夢盼盼

明月如霜    好風如水    清景無限
曲港跳魚    圓荷瀉璐    寂寞無人見
紞如三鼓    鏗然一葉    黯黯夢雲驚斷
夜茫茫        重尋無處    覺來小園行遍

天涯倦客    山中歸路    望斷故園心眼
燕子樓空    佳人何在    空鎖樓中燕
古今如夢    何曾夢覺    但有舊歡新怨
異時對        黃樓夜景    為余浩嘆

Dreaming My Lover
Tune: Joy of Eternal Union        Su Shi (1037-1101)      江紹倫譯

The moonlight frost- white
The cool breeze water-like
There’s no extent to this serene night

Fishes leap in the haven
Dews roll from lotus leaves
My loneliness no one sees

‘Tis the third drum deep this night
The drop of a light leaf sounds loud
Awaken my sweet dream gone as a cloud

The night palls boundlessly
Where could you be
I pace the garden aimlessly

I’m but a wanderer in fatigue
Lost in a wayward path in the hilly sea
Looking for home my eyes could not see

Vacant is the Swallow Pavilion here
Where could you be
Why should a swallow be kept in nest unfree

Life is always a dream
One never wake up it seem
‘Tis all a change of past delights to present grief

Whence this yellow dream and dark night should once more appear
Would you hiss a deep sigh for me


怒髮衝冠    憑欄處瀟瀟雨歇
抬望眼      仰天長嘯    壯懷激烈

靖康恥      猶未雪
臣子恨      何時滅
待從頭收拾舊山河  朝天闕

《Tune: A River in Red》__ Yue Fei (1103-1141)          江紹倫譯

Wrath stood my hair to throw off my hat
On railings I leaned
Seeing the rain ceased
I raised my eyes high
To the sky I crooned long and high
How my patriotic devotion was denied
To dust and earth my thirty- year achievements in arms have now returned
Together with eighty thousand li of cloud and moon
Youthful wills must not be wasted in greying
Forever regret

Humiliation by a capital in defeat is not yet put at bay
A general’s hate its vengeance must not be delivered in delay
I will ride my chariot again
To break through the He Lan Mountain pass
Let’s realize our aspirations to dine with the enemy’s flesh for meat
With the Hun’s blood we quench our thirsts in laughter and heat
Whence we recover our lost land in our own hands
‘Tis time we face the royal court in army ranks


驚回千里夢  已三更
人悄悄      簾外月朧明

舊山松竹老  阻歸程
知音少      弦斷有誰聽

《Tune: Manifold Hills》 __ Yue Fei (1103-1141)   江紹倫譯

Incessantly autumn crickets sounded through the night
Breaking my dream a thousand li my home nigh
‘Twas well after midnight
Up alone I paced the yard round and round
Not a soul around
By the window the moon was bright

For glory I paid with hair grey in tow
The bamboos and pines at home must have grown old
Homebound journey is on hold
To my lute I wish to confide what’s in my mind
No Listener
Who would hear broken strings speaking feelings of the mind