怒髮衝冠 憑欄處瀟瀟雨歇
抬望眼 仰天長嘯 壯懷激烈
靖康恥 猶未雪
臣子恨 何時滅
待從頭收拾舊山河 朝天闕
《Tune: A River in Red》__ Yue Fei (1103-1141) 江紹倫譯
Wrath stood my hair to throw off my hat
On railings I leaned
Seeing the rain ceased
I raised my eyes high
To the sky I crooned long and high
How my patriotic devotion was denied
To dust and earth my thirty- year achievements in arms have now returned
Together with eighty thousand li of cloud and moon
Youthful wills must not be wasted in greying
Forever regret
Humiliation by a capital in defeat is not yet put at bay
A general’s hate its vengeance must not be delivered in delay
I will ride my chariot again
To break through the He Lan Mountain pass
Let’s realize our aspirations to dine with the enemy’s flesh for meat
With the Hun’s blood we quench our thirsts in laughter and heat
Whence we recover our lost land in our own hands
‘Tis time we face the royal court in army ranks
Happy New Year! Although I have been concentrating on Tang quatrains 绝句 (so far, I have posted some 25 on my blog http://www.chinesepoemsinenglish.blogspot.com), I have also attempted a few long-short line verses 詞. What follows is my attempt on Yue Fei’s “The River All Red”. Andrew Wong (WYHK 1963 Matriculation)
岳飛: 寄調 滿江紅
Yue Fei (1103-1141): To the Tune of “Man Jiang Hong” (The River All Red)
1 怒髮衝冠 12 靖康恥
2 憑闌處 13 猶未雪
3 瀟瀟雨歇 14 臣子恨
4 抬望眼 15 何時滅
5 仰天長嘯 16 駕長車
6 壯懷激烈 17 踏破賀蘭山缺
7 三十功名塵與土 18 壯志饑餐胡虜肉
8 八千里路雲和月 19 笑談渴飲匈奴血
9 莫等閒 20 待從頭
10 白了少年頭 21 收拾舊山河
11 空悲切 22 朝天阙
1 By the railing I stand,
2 Showers have stopped,
3 I bristle with wrath, my hair uncaging.
4 My eyes towards the sky,
5 To arms! Long, I cry,
6 To war, for a heavenly cause! I’m raging.
7 My decade of feats, as dust I deem, short of the final victory,
8 O’er thousands of miles, day or night, been in battle engaging.
9 So take it to heart, get set!
10 Lest, in vain, we’ll regret,
11 Turned grey, our youthful heads, on aging.
12 Still held captive, our sovereigns,
13 Unavenged, this burning shame!
14 When? Why now is the hour!
15 To burn out our vengeful flame.
16 Oh charge, you columns of chariots!
17 Crash that gap at Helan-Shan! Crush it in heaven’s name!
18 “In hunger, we’ll eat their body, in thirst, drink their blood.”
19 We’ll so boast of our bravery, as if them tartars were game.
20 In rally we stand, to do battle again:
21 Our homeland of old, to recapture,
22 Our emperor, “All hail!” to acclaim.
Translated by Andrew W.F. Wong (Huang Hongfa) 譯者: 黃宏發
11th September 2009 (revised 13.9.09; 15.9.09; 17.9.09: 18.9.09; 23.9.09; 24.9.09; 15.10.09; 16.10.09; 19.10.09; 4.11.09; 16.12.09)
* The original poem is in 2 stanzas of 11 lines each, with one common rhyme at lines 3, 6, 8, 11, then 13, 15, 17, 19, 22. I have taken this to mean that there are 9 sentences in the poem with 4 in the first stanza and 5 in the second. I have been unable to find a common rhyme for my English rendition and have decided to use an “-aging” rhyme in stanza 1 and an “-ame/aim” rhyme in stanza 2. I have also been unable to translate the lines correspondingly, and have changed the order where necessary but only within the sentences.
* Lines 1, 2 and 3 (being one sentence): Line 3 translates the original line 1, lines 1 and 2 are lines 2 and 3 in the original. In line 3, I have omitted translating 冠 “hat/helmet/headgear” and have simply rendered it as “my hair uncaging”.
* Lines 4, 5 and 6 (being one sentence): I have moved 仰天 “towards the sky” from line 5 to merge with 抬望眼 “raise my eyes to” in line 4 as “My eyes towards the sky”. I have added “To arms” in line 5 and “To war” in line 6 as the contents of the “long cry” 長嘯 to explain the making of this war poem. I had originally translated line 6 loosely as “’Tis a war for a heavenly cause we are waging”, but have now decided for “To war, for a heavenly cause! I am raging”. In either case, I have omitted translating 懷 “bosom/chest/heart/mind” which is implied in “for a heavenly cause”.
* Line 7: I have taken 三十 to mean “thirty odd years of age”, the poet must have been in the army for some 10 years, hence, “decade”. I have added “short of the final victory” to explain why the poet deemed his “feats/victories” as “dust/trifles”.
* Line 8: I have used “thousands of miles” to translate 八千里 “8,000 li” being only 2,400 miles. I have added “been in battle engaging” to make plain that the poet was in the army and at war.
* Lines 9, 10 and 11 (being one sentence): Line 11 translates the original line 10, and line 10, the original 11. In line 9, I have taken 莫等閒 to mean 莫等閒視之 “don’t take it lightly” or “take it seriously”, hence, “take it to heart”.
* Lines 12 and 13 (being one sentence): “Still held captive, our sovereigns” in line 12 is not a literal translation of 靖康 “Jing Kang” which is the name of a period, but explains the history of the end of the North Song 北宋 dynasty with the
emperor 欽宗 Qin Zong and his father, the abdicated 徽宗 Hui Zong, both captured in the 2nd year of Jing Kang, hence, “sovereigns (in plural)” I have moved 恥 “shame” from line 12 to line13 and 猶 “still” from line 13 to line 12.
* Lines 14 and 15 (being one sentence): I have scrambled these 2 lines. The original line 15 何時滅 is taken to be a rhetorical question and translated as “When? Why now is the hour!” in line 14 and “To burn out” in line 15. The original line 14 臣子恨 is translated as “our (臣generals’ and officials’, 子 soldiers’ and subjects’) vengeful flame” in line 15.
* Lines 12 to 22 (the second stanza): I am grateful to Xu Yuan-zhong for his “burning shame(line 13) and vengeful flame(line 15)” rhyme in his rendition of the same poem, pp. 470-473, “Bilingual Edition of 300 Song Lyrics”, Beijing, Higher Education Press, 2004 which has encouraged me to follow the rhyme through the entire second stanza, thus “name(17)-game(19)-acclaim(22)”.
* Line 17: I have added “in heaven’s name” to continue the “-ame/aim” rhyme and to further justify the war.
* Lines 18 and 19 (being one sentence): I have scrambled the 2 lines. First, I have put “hunger, eat, body” (line 18) and “thirst, drink, blood” (line 19) both into line 18. Second, I have scrambled 胡虜 “the Hu people” (line 18) and 匈奴 “the Hun people” (line 19)—虜 and 奴 being derogatory words for people—into line 19 as simply “them tartars”, with the word “them” signifying enmity (us and them) and the word “tartars” in lower case to convey the derogatory sense. Third, I have merged 壯志 (line 18) and 笑談 (line 19) into line 19 as “boast of our bravery”. I have also put line 18 in quotes, chosen “boast” to translate 笑談 and added “as if … were game” 獵物 to make clear my interpretation that the poet’s soldiers, though full of hatred (see “them tartars”), may not really be cannibals.
* Line 20: I take 待 to mean “ready/set/about to”, not “wait”, and 從頭 to mean “again/afresh”, not “begin/to or from the beginning”, hence, “In rally we stand to do battle again”.
* Line 21: 收拾 is taken to mean “recapture/recover/restore/re-claim”, not “tidy up/reclaim”. I have translated 舊山河 as “homeland of old”
* Line 22: 朝天阙 “towards the heavenly (imperial palace) gate” is rendered in very concrete terms originally as “Long live the emperor! to acclaim”, now as “Our emperor, ‘All hail!’ to acclaim”.
May I submit my attempt at translating Marshall Yue Fei’s patriotic
ci. Thanks. — frank c w yue
Tune: All Red The River! Yue Fei (Southern Song)
My helmet is raised in anger by bristl’ng hair
As I stand by the railing here.
The driving rains cease.
I lift up my eyes to see,
Bellowing out a long cry toward the dark’ning skies —
My emotions are fierce and high!
Thirty years of honour and merit
Are nothing but dirt and grit.
I travelled eight thousand long miles,
By the clouds and the moon beguiled.
Waiting idly, don’t just remain.
Lest youthful heads turn white — you’ll wail in vain!
The shame of Two Emper’rs’ Abduction ne’er vindicated!
O When will loyal courtier’s lament be eradicated?
We shall drive our long chariots, (my dear friends,)
To crush the enemy at Mount Helan!
I resolve to gorge on Tartar’s flesh in hunger,
Drink in thirst the Hun’s blood amid talks and laughter!
Let’s start anew to free our occupied homeland —
We’ll report triumphant to the Imperial Court then.
hi, am a friend of WYKAAO. as advised by andrew wong, your alumnus (on his own blog previously), i now realize i tended to add something that’s not in the original. accordingly, may i revise the 5th and 6th last lines of my piece as follows (to remove the unnecessary “my dear friends” added-on for rhyming purpose).
We shall drive long columns of chariots
To crush at Mount Helan Pass the marauding hordes!