怒髮衝冠 憑欄處瀟瀟雨歇
抬望眼 仰天長嘯 壯懷激烈
靖康恥 猶未雪
臣子恨 何時滅
待從頭收拾舊山河 朝天闕
《Tune: A River in Red》__ Yue Fei (1103-1141) 江紹倫譯
Wrath stood my hair to throw off my hat
On railings I leaned
Seeing the rain ceased
I raised my eyes high
To the sky I crooned long and high
How my patriotic devotion was denied
To dust and earth my thirty- year achievements in arms have now returned
Together with eighty thousand li of cloud and moon
Youthful wills must not be wasted in greying
Forever regret
Humiliation by a capital in defeat is not yet put at bay
A general’s hate its vengeance must not be delivered in delay
I will ride my chariot again
To break through the He Lan Mountain pass
Let’s realize our aspirations to dine with the enemy’s flesh for meat
With the Hun’s blood we quench our thirsts in laughter and heat
Whence we recover our lost land in our own hands
‘Tis time we face the royal court in army ranks