春泛若耶溪 (唐)綦毋潜

幽意無斷絕  此去隨所偶
晚風吹行舟  花路入溪口
際夜轉西壑  隔山望南斗
潭煙飛溶溶  林月低向後
生事且瀰漫  願為持竿叟

Spring Boating on the Ruoye Stream           Qiwu Qian        江紹倫譯

A reclusive life I continue to cherish
Whatever nature provides I’ll flourish
The evening breeze blows my boat ahead with steam
To reach the entrance of the welcoming floral stream
By night we turn west into the vale I well know
From this side of the hill I watch the Dipper agrow
Above the placid pool mist rises behold
The moon hangs high as seen in the forest below
As life proceeds calm and persisting
I am at peace an old man with a fishing rod abiding