About YK 1965

Class of WYK1965 Microbiologist (Environmental Microbiology) Honorary Research Fellow Agriculture Canada, Ottawa

《醉花阴》* (宋) 李清照

Tune: “Drunk under the Shade of Flowers”          Li Qingzhao (1084-1156) 


Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译 

Worries shroud me like thin mists and heavy clouds all day long,

Incense in the bronze burner will soon be gone.

Another fine Chongyang Festival again,

 midnight chill encroaches this jade pillow and canopied bed, where I’m torn.

Wine in hand by the mum grove after dusk,

  a subtle fragrance permeates to adorn.

Isn’t it not a time to yearn? Window drape undulates in frigid breeze;

  to the yellow flow’r I’m more gaunt.


* For a video exposé in Mandarin, see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GzrlmYRjmg

“O mio babbino caro” Giovacchino Forzano (1884— 1970)

Soprano aria from Puccini’s opera “Gianni Schicchi”

Sung by Montserrat Caballé: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI17VdRfCek

by Renata Scotto: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tofdd1MGdaY

by Teresa Stratas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEUz2a0MeD0

by Liping Zhang:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT3LNeYqt4Q&NR=1

噢,我親愛的爹”               () 祖法奇奴.佛散奴 谱词


Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Ponte Vecchio su l'Arno, Firenze 弗兰斯城阿爾奴河上的古桥

O mio babbino caro 噢,我親愛的爹
Mi piace, è bello, bello 我喜欢他,他是漂亮、漂亮的。

Vo’ andare in Porta Rossa 我想去玫瑰门珠宝店
a comperar l’anello! 买指環!
Sì, sì, ci voglio andare! 是的,是的,我想去那兒!
e se l’amassi indarno,
andrei sul
Ponte Vecchio, 我会到古桥上,
ma per buttarmi in
Arno! 投进阿爾奴河!
Mi struggo e mi tormento! 我在苦难中虛耗受罪!
O Dio, vorrei morir!
Babbo, pietà, pietà! 爹,憐恤憐恤我吧!
Babbo, pietà, pietà! 爹,憐恤憐恤我吧!

“Ombra mai fù” Silvio Stampiglia (1664-1725)

(adapted from Giovanni Bononcini 1670-1747)
“从未有过的影子”          (意) 西维奧.斯潭皮基利亚
Originally a soprano-castrato aria from Handel’s opera “Serse”
(now sung by a counter-tenor or mezzo-soprano)

Performed by Cecilia Bartoli (mezzo-soprano):
By David Daniel (counter-tenor) with ricitativo intro:

Ombra mai fù

di vegetabile,

cara ed amabile,

soave più.

Tr. YK Chan  陳耀国譯





“Una furtiva lagrima” Felice Romani (1788 — 1865)

Tenor aria from Donizetti’s opera “L’elixir d’amore”
Sung by Caruso:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t936rzOt3Zc
By Nicolai Gedda: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qfGQUFfQyU
By Joseph Schmidt:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FD-yzw7ExY4&feature=related
Una furtiva lagrima
negli occhi suoi spuntò:
Quelle festose giovani
invidiar sembrò.
Che più cercando io vo?
Che più cercando io vo?
M'ama! Sì, m'ama, lo vedo. Lo vedo.

A furtive tear

Un solo instante i palpiti
del suo bel cor sentir!
I miei sospir, confondere
per poco a' suoi sospir!
I palpiti, i palpiti sentir,
confondere i miei coi suoi sospir...
Cielo! Si può morir!
Di più non chiedo, non chiedo.
Ah, cielo! Si può! Si, può morir!
Di più non chiedo, non chiedo.
Si può morire! Si può morir d'amor.
一點隐秘的淚滴”       () 菲里茨.罗曼尼 譜词

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译







她爱我!是的,她爱我,我見得。  我見得。


一刻间我可感觉到 在她美丽心中的脉搏!

我的感叹  一點兒与她的叹息混在一起! 


她那心脉 和我跟她的叹息交溶在一起








“天淨沙”: 秋思 (元) 馬致遠

In the tune of "Pristine Sand under Heaven": Fall Meditation
by Ma Zhiyuan (1250-1321)






Tr. YK Chan  陈耀国译
On a wilted vine, on an old tree, at dusk a crow roosts.
A quaint footbridge, water running under, crosses over to a homestead.
On an ancient trail westerly wind blows while a gaunt horse wanders.
Sun setting west,
The heart-broken is lost on the edge of heaven.

“Habanera” Henri Meilhac (1831 – 97) & Ludovic Halévy (1834 – 1908)

哈巴湼拉舞曲     (法) 汉利.美尔压 与 路度维.亚里菲 普词

Mezzo-soprano aria from Bizet’s opera “Carmen”


Sung by Julia Migenes-Johnson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uV9iGv4sKNI

By Teresa Berganza: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oby-hCgZLJc&feature=related

By Maria Callas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fZRssq7UlM&NR=1

Habenera 哈巴湼拉舞

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译







Quand je vous aimerai?                                 我何时会爱你?

 Ma foi, je ne sais pas,                                 我的天,我怎知道。

Peut-être jamais, peut-être demain.                       可能永不,可能明天。

Mais pas aujourd’hui, c’est certain             但不是今天,这是肯定的。

 L’amour est un oiseau rebelle                       爱情是一只反叛的雀鳥

que nul ne peut apprivoiser,                           无人可馴服牠。

et c’est bien en vain qu’on l’appelle,                     牠自承拒绝的话, 

s’il lui convient de refuser.                                   你也只是空喚牠, 

Rien n’y fait, menace ou prière,              用恐吓或祈求,都无法可行。

l’un parle bien, l’autre se tait:                         口善词令者与另沈默寡言者之间

Et c’est l’autre que je préfère,                                   我喜欢另外那人,

Il n’a rien dit mais il me plaît.                            他不做声,我却喜欢他。

L’amour! L’amour! L’amour! L’amour!            爱情!爱情!爱情!爱情!

 L’amour est enfant de Bohème,                     爱情是吉卜赛孩子,

il n’a jamais, jamais connu de loi;              他永不,永不承认法规;

si tu ne m’aimes pas, je t’aime:             你若不爱我,我爱你:

si je t’aime, prends garde à toi!             你若爱我,你就要自己提防!

Si tu ne m’aimes pas,                                       你若不爱我,

Si tu ne m’aimes pas, je t’aime!             你若不爱我,我爱你!

Mais, si je t’aime,                                     但是,你若爱我,

Si je t’aime, prends garde à toi!                你若爱我,你就要自己提防!

Si tu ne m’aimes pas,                                       你若不爱我,

Si tu ne m’aimes pas, je t’aime!             你若不爱我,我爱你!

Mais, si je t’aime,                                     但是,你若爱我,

Si je t’aime, prends garde à toi!                你若爱我,你就要自己提防!

L’oiseau que tu croyais surprendre                 你以為已把那鳥兒捉住,

battit de l’aile et s’envola …                              牠就展翅飞走

l’amour est loin, tu peux l’attendre;                爱情远離,你可等待;

tu ne l’attends plus, il est là!                                你不再等待牠的话,牠就出现!

Tout autour de toi, vite, vite,                             环绕着你,快快的,快快的,

il vient, s’en va, puis il revient …                     牠來,牠去,然後牠再來…

tu crois le tenir, il t’évite,                         你以为把牠抓住,牠就逃去,

tu crois l’éviter, il te tient.                            你以为逃避了牠,牠就抓住你。

L’amour! L’amour! L’amour! L’amour!            爱情!爱情!爱情!爱情!

L’amour est enfant de Bohème,                     爱情是吉卜赛孩子,

il n’a jamais, jamais connu de loi;              他永不,永不承认法规;

si tu ne m’aimes pas, je t’aime:             你若不爱我,我爱你:

si je t’aime, prends garde à toi!        你若爱我,你就要自己提防!

乌夜啼* (南唐) 李煜


In the tune of “Crow Calling at Night”*                

Li Yu (937-978)

Translation by YK Chan 陈耀国译


Flowers in the grove falling: gone is spring’s brilliance,

Too hastily and soon;

Chilling rain at morn and evening breeze bring helpless gloom.

Blood-rouge tears–

Bewildering but endeared,

When could there be recurrence?

Life-long regrets forever flow like a river thence.


*又名《相见欢》、《秋夜月》、《上西楼》。This tune title is also known as

“Rendezvous Joy”, “Moonlit Fall Evening”, or “Ascending Western Block”.

“Nessun dorma” Giuseppe Adami (1878-1946) and Renato Simoni (1875-1952)

Tenor aria from Puccini’s opera “Turandot”

This is Pavarotti’s signature aria.  See him singing it in NYC, 14 Janurary 1980: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOfC9LfR3PI&feature=related

And in 1994 in Los Angeles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VATmgtmR5o4&NR=1

His last performance of this aria was at the 2006 Turin Winter Olympics opening ceremony’s ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0Sx5lbVlQA&NR=1

“不准任何人睡”        (意) 阿當米 与 西蒙尼 普词



                                                                             Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma!   不准任何人睡!不准任何人睡!
Tu pure, o, Principessa,
                       你, 噢纯诘的公主,
nella tua fredda stanza,
guardi le stele
che tremano d’amore
e di speranza.                                              

 Ma il mio mistero e chiuso in me, 但是我的秘密深鎖我身中,
il nome mio nessun saprá!                
No, no, sulla tua bocca lo diró         
quando la luce splenderá!                 

Ed il mio bacio sciogliera il silenzio     同时我的吻会打开靜寂
che ti fa mia!                                                         使你归屬我!
(Coro: Il nome suo nessun saprá!. …   (合唱:无人会知道他的名字!…
e noi dovrem, ahimé, morir)                    而我们却不幸的死亡。)
Dilegua, o notte!                                                 噢,黑夜,消失吧!
Tramontate, stelle!                                         星星,降落吧
Tramontate, stelle!                                         星星,降落吧!
All’alba vinceró!                                                黎明时我将获胜!
vinceró, vinceró!                                             我将获胜!我将获胜!

《浪淘沙》(南唐) 李煜




In the Tune of “Waves Sifting Sand”          Li Yu (937-978)

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Outside the curtain rain sprinkles: Spring is wearing off.

Silk bedding cannot fend off the fifth-watch chill.

Lost in dreamland I know not myself as a guest—indulging in pleasure for the moment.


I ought not to be alone looking out by the railings: boundless kingdom,

Parting is easy but returning is hard.

Water flowing, flowers dropping—spring’s gone, to homeland in heaven!

清明 (唐) 杜牧*

Qing Ming**                    Du Mu (803-852)


Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Endless rain at Qing Ming** Festival drizzling 

A traveler’s haste on the road turns nerve-racking

Whereabouts a tavern may be found

To Apricot Blossom Village afar off a cowherd points


* For a discussion of the authorship of this poem, see  http://tv.sohu.com/20100402/n271287421.shtml

** Literally meaning “Clear Brightness”, a festival on the 15th day after spring solstice for traditional visit of ancestral graves.