《归国杂吟之二》《登南岳》《贈豐順縣委》郭沫若(1892-1978) 江紹倫英譯

《Random Thoughts on Way Back to China (1937)》Guo Mo Rou  (1892-1978)

又当投笔请缨时  Time again for me to put off my writing to join the army
别妇抛雏断藕丝  Leaving my wife and children behind is not easy
去国十年余泪血  Away from my country for three years tears and blood linger
登舟三宿见族旗  Three days on board home I once again see red banners Continue reading

《壬戌六月禁锢中聞變》《留訣內子》_廖仲愷(1877-1925) 江紹倫英譯

《壬戌六月禁锢中聞變》《Thoughts in Prison (1922)》Liao Zhong Kai (1877-1925)

珠江日夕起風雷Winds and thunder may blunder over the Pearl any day
已倒狂瀾孰挽回The tide to counter the revolution rise and prevail
徵羽不調弦亦怨The musical notes in disharmony the strings in acrimony
死生能一我無哀To live or die is no longer my worry Continue reading

《To Adam and friends—an open letter》__ Kong Shiu Loon

Dear Adam,

These are thoughts which come to my mind as I read your dad’s piece on Father and Son. They may be helpful to resolve your immediate decision, and to your study as you go through university and life.

Dropping Russian literature so that you may get a higher mark with MMSS is not relational because you can do both and get high marks. As for not liking your literature professor, there are two types of professors, those you admire and learn or not learn, and those you dislike and learn or not learn. It all depends on you, not professors of this type or the other.

To a large extent I think you have “a problem” because you have a choice, but not necessarily freedom. It means that you have to go to school and take courses and high marks. But you cannot be yourself acting as you like.

…. continue reading

《葉劍英(1897-1986) 詩詞選》江紹倫英譯

Ye Jiang Ying(1897-1986) selected poems》江紹倫英譯

油岩(1915)》《Written on Oil Cliff(1915)
放眼高歌气吐虹  My will a rainbow I sing my aspirations high
也曾拔剑角群雄  Before this I had followed revolutionary men with pride
我来无限兴亡感  Here I study to understand the rise and fall in history
慰祝苍生乐大同  I will work with my people towards universal equality

Note: This poem was written when the poet first entered university in his hometown. He was 18 years old.
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《陳毅(1901-1972) 詩詞選》江紹倫英譯

《ChenYi (1901-1972) selected poems》江紹倫英譯

《憶亡 (1932)》《Remembering My Wife (1932)》

泉山渺渺汝何之  On hills under the yellow spring how are you
检点遗篇几首诗  Among papers you left are poems in view
芳影如生随处在  Your images alive on pages here and there
依稀门角见玉姿  By the door I seem to see a cold beauty hither Continue reading

《Father and Son》__ 陳柏齡(71)

暑假旅遊Banff, 父親開車,兒子坐車頭。 兒子的任務是看著手機的GPS點路,與父親聊天。

Leo Tolstoy
Leo Tolstoy


「What are you reading?」
「Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy。It is a required reading for next quarter’s Russian literature class.」



《蔣介石(1887-1975) 詩選》江紹倫英譯

《Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) Poems (1887-1975)》Chiang Kai-shek

《述志(1909)》《My Determination 1909》
騰騰殺氣滿全球  Hot is the killing spirit in a world so ill
力不如人萬事休  Inferior to powers ten thousand matters stand still
光我神州完我責  Duty bound I vow to keep motherland secured
東來志豈在封侯  Coming to study in Japan noble laurels not my will
[ Note: At age 21 Chiang was sent by the Qing Dynasty to study at a military college in Japan. He wrote this the following year.]

《雪竇山口占一绝句 (1920)》《On Mt. Shedou (1920)》 Continue reading

《朱德 (1886-1976) 詩詞選》江紹倫英譯

《古宋香水山芙蓉寺題詩 (1911)》《和郭沬若同志 “登爾雅台懷人”(1944)》
《過武夷山 (1961)》《遊越秀公園 (1961)》《詠蘭 (1961)》《望雨 (1963)》
《龍門石窟 (1963)》《悼陳毅同志 (1972)》《浪淘沙·雪中過邯郸 (1954)》

《古宋香水山芙蓉寺題詩 (1911)》
 [Note: Zhu De wrote this poem at 25 years old on graduation from military college. Years later, Chiang Kai Shek admired it so much he recited it to his generals, to urge them to learn poetry to be better leaders.]
《To the Hibiscus Temple at Fragrant Hill (1911)》

已饑已溺是吾憂  I care for the perennial hunger and torment in motherland
急濟心懷幾度秋  To help uplift this common fate I had in years lent a hand Continue reading

《緬懷吳茂生 (1948-1994)》__余晃英 (61)

NgMS1994年9月, 跟茂生和我相熟的一位香港好友, 告訴我茂生逝世的消息, 那時茂生正值壯年, 我萬分驚異, 簡直不敢相信。1987年他赴美後, 我在港, 他在美; 我教英語, 他教中國語文和文學, 專業學術研究。 我們不常來往, 但他每經過香港多會和我聚一聚。1990年我一家四口到過加州戴維斯市 (Davis) 探訪他和范光中女士新婚倆口子。約在92, 93年, 他往上海做實地考察, 我們又匆匆地見了一次面, 怎知道那是最後的一面…
