《古宋香水山芙蓉寺題詩 (1911)》《和郭沬若同志 “登爾雅台懷人”(1944)》
《過武夷山 (1961)》《遊越秀公園 (1961)》《詠蘭 (1961)》《望雨 (1963)》
《龍門石窟 (1963)》《悼陳毅同志 (1972)》《浪淘沙·雪中過邯郸 (1954)》
《古宋香水山芙蓉寺題詩 (1911)》
[Note: Zhu De wrote this poem at 25 years old on graduation from military college. Years later, Chiang Kai Shek admired it so much he recited it to his generals, to urge them to learn poetry to be better leaders.]
《To the Hibiscus Temple at Fragrant Hill (1911)》
已饑已溺是吾憂 I care for the perennial hunger and torment in motherland
急濟心懷幾度秋 To help uplift this common fate I had in years lent a hand
鐵柱幸勝家國任 We rejoice our culture supports the upholding of responsibilities
銅駝慢著棘荊遊 And our traditional foundation helps us to ease the adversity
千年朽索常虞墜 A thousand-year cable in decay often fails in suspension
一息承肩總未休 Devotion for duty once shown will not cease in action
物色風塵誰作主 Who is in charge of shifts in winds and dusts since old
唯看砥柱正中流 Just watch the rapid flows how a central column mightily holds
《和郭沬若同志 “登爾雅台懷人”(1944)》
《Written in Harmony with Comrade Guo Mo Ruo (1944) 》
回顧西南滿戰雲 Looking back at the war clouds in the South-west
台高爾雅舊情殷 High up the Erya Terrace our friendship is at its best
千村倫落悲三楚 A thousand villages deserted in all three countries ancient
四位英雄喪廿軍 Four heroes lost twenty battalions in a single mission
北國翻新看後勁 To turn the north into a new rule we have plans definitely
東鄰隕越可先聞 Peace with our eastern neighbour now a high priority
內憂外患澄清日 Whence we cleared the civil war and foreign conflicts finally
痛飲黃龍定約君 I will engage you to drink our finest national brew heartily
【《登尔雅台怀人 郭沫若》 依旧危台压紫云,青衣江上水殷殷,归来我独怀三楚,叱咤谁当冠九军?
《過武夷山 (1961)》 《Passing the Wuyi Mountain (1961) 》
翻過武夷山 Over Mt. Wuyi to the other side
山外別有天 There a different sky appears in sight
東風初到侯 Vernal breezes just arrived in wait
南地已無寒 Cold weather gone warmth now in state
綠水穿幽谷 Through the serene valley blue waters flow
青林擁巨川 Verdant woods embrace the huge mount in fold
車行隨岸走 We drove our car along the river bank
風景最新鮮 Where the scenery became new as we went
《遊越秀公園 (1961)》《Enjoying the Yuesiu Garden (1961)》
越秀公園花木林 Flowers and trees fill the Yuesiu Garden scene
百花齊放各爭春 A hundred flowers in bloom to vie for spring
唯有蘭花香正好 Only the fragrance of the orchid stands out
一時名貴五羊城 It makes the Five-Goat City famous throughout
《詠蘭 (1961)》《Singing for the Orchid (1961)》
幽蘭奕奕待冬開 The serene orchid waits for winter to bloom
綠葉青蔥映畫台 Its leaves green and verdant shine on an art screen
初放素英珠露墜 Early buds open gathering dews instantly fall
香迎十步出庭來 Its fragrance welcomes guests ten steps before they enter the hall
《望雨 (1963)》《Waiting for Rain (1963)》
風急天低雨不來 In a sky low with brisk winds no rain will arrive
迷天雲霧自徘徊 Clouds and haze in the spheres lingering slight
農夫喜雨風吹去 The rains farmers love gone with the wind
臨夜晴明月色開 At dusk the sky remains bright a moon winks
《龍門石窟 (1963)》《The Dragon Gate Grotto (1963)》
悠悠伊水出龍門 Out from the Dragon Gate the Yi River gently flows
兩岸風光古蹟陳 Ancient relics on both banks richly show
石窟浮雕高美術 Inside the grottoes relief carvings arts magic
而今尚得動遊人 Today they welcome visitors to appreciate
《悼陳毅同志 (1972)》《Remembering Comrade Chen Yi (1972)》
一生為革命 For revolution you have devoted your entire life
蓋棺方論定 With your coffin closed your deeds confirmed bright
重道又親師 To your teachers and the Way you showed respects
路線根端正 The roads you have travelled are rooted deeply in red
《浪淘沙·雪中過邯郸 (1954)》
《Tune: Waves Refining Sands_Passing Handan in Snow (1954)》
飛雪滿山川 Flying snows covering hills and rills
淨化平原 Keeping the plain pure
融融暖氣卻春寒 In spring warm airs we still feel cold
嫩綠新苗逢瑞雪 Green shoots in spring crops welcome the benevolent snow
萬姓同歡 People of all surnames celebrate the celestial show
乘興百人團 One hundred in our group a common interest shown
巡視江南 To make observations of the river south in new looks
長征彈指十餘年 The Long March gone so long ago passed by a click of fingers
景物全新驚世變 Scenes and materials now new the world changed in surprise
天上人間 Heaven and humanity ever nice