《八十書懷》葉劍英 (1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

《八十書懷》葉劍英Ye Jian Ying

八十毋勞論廢興  長征接力有來人
導師創業垂千古  儕輩跟隨愧望塵
億萬愚公齊破立  五洲權霸共沉淪
老夫喜作黃昏頌  滿目青山夕照明

《Thoughts at Eighty_1977》Ye Jian Ying

At eighty I need not be concerned with successes and failures
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《登祝融峰_1938》葉劍英(1897-1986) 江紹倫英譯

葉劍英《登祝融峰》《On Top of Zhurong Peak》Ye Jian Ying

四顧渺無際 The view is unlimited on all sides
天風吹我衣  My coat flap is blown open by winds high
聽濤起雄心  The roaring sounds in the pines invoke my fighting will
誓盪扶桑兒  I vow to submit the invading dwarfs to kneel

《五十六歲生日三絕》陳寅恪(1890-1969) 江紹倫英譯


《My Fifty-sixth Birthday》Chen Yin Ke

去年病目實已死  My eyes blinded last year a dead man was I
雖號為人與鬼同  Living as man I was in ghostly sight
可笑家人作生日  I laughed when my family held a birthday party for me
宛如設祭奠亡翁  As if an oblate act to enliven an old dead man to be Continue reading

《憶故居_1945》陳寅恪(1890-1969) 江紹倫英譯

《憶故居_1945》陳寅恪chen yinke

渺渺鐘聲出遠方  依依林影萬鴉藏
一生負氣成今日  四海無人對夕陽
破碎山河迎勝利  殘餘歲月送悽涼
松門松菊何年夢  且認他鄉作故鄉


《Remembering My Old Houses _1945》 Chen Yin Ke

The toll of bells heard faintly from a distance Continue reading

古文粵譯:祭十二郎文 (韓愈) 2 __ 梁煥松 (71)

祭十二郎文 (韓愈)

雖然如此,今年以來,我花白嘅頭髮有的變成全白了,鬆動嘅牙好似想甩咁。體質一日衰過一日,精神一日差過一日。或者唔使幾耐,我會跟埋你去咯!如果人死後有知覺,我地分離嘅日子唔會太耐;如果死後冇知覺,咁我都唔會悲傷到好長時候,不知悲傷嘅日子,反而係無窮無盡。 Continue reading

《憶夢_1966》 鄧拓(1912-1966) 江紹倫英譯

《憶夢-1966》鄧拓Deng Tuo

五更風雨夢如飛  煙水蒼茫夜色微
話到海山無聲淚  寫來筆墨不沾衣
高情消盡千秋怨  碧血凝成萬古詩
默向長天尋新路  霞光芳霧映春暉

九嶷山上白云飞  帝子乘风下翠微  斑竹一枝千滴泪  红霞万朵百重衣
洞庭波涌连天雪  长岛人歌动地诗  我欲因之梦寥廓  芙蓉国里尽朝晖】

《A Dream Remembered》Deng Tuo

(This poem of 1966 is the last by Deng Tuo, before he killed himself so his wife and children might be safe.) Continue reading

《一嵐清玩》鄧拓 (1912-1966) 江紹倫英譯

《一嵐清玩》鄧拓 (1912-1966)


《To My Wife Yi Lan》Deng Tuo

茫茫山海雲深處  Deep amid clouds overlooking hills and rills wide
鬱郁松峰夕陽紅  Pine tips serene remain crimson till sunset time
望斷飛鴻天外影  I look for shadows of wild geese beyond the sky
花魂詩思伴西東  Floral souls and poetic thoughts stay by my side

《定情 _1942》鄧拓 (1912-1966) 江紹倫英譯

《定情 _1942》Love Devotiondeng  tuo and wife

戰地青衫侶  In cotton clothes we are a couple in battling lands
風沙北國春  Spring winds whirl up sands in northland
白雲浮終古  White clouds float as always been
江水去長東  The eastward river flows like ever since
身世三生劫  We had endured cosmic tests in three incarnates
心天一向紅  Our hearts remain red like sunshine immaculate
高情為爾我  We share life with the same lofty goals
天地自無窮  Together we will go forward till time eternal