《懷蘇東坡_1962》鄧拓 (1912-1966) 江紹倫英譯

《懷蘇東坡_1962》鄧拓 41 So

曾謁眉山蘇氏祠  也曾陽羨誦題詩
常州京口尋餘跡  儋耳郊原撫廟碑
海角天涯身世感  朝雲春夢死生知
千秋何幸留遺墨  畫卷瀟湘竹石奇

《Remembering Su Dong Po》Deng Tuo

I had visited Su Shih’s ancestral hall at Mei Shen
And admired his poems on notable paintings fine Continue reading

《憶夢_1966》 鄧拓(1912-1966) 江紹倫英譯

《憶夢-1966》鄧拓Deng Tuo

五更風雨夢如飛  煙水蒼茫夜色微
話到海山無聲淚  寫來筆墨不沾衣
高情消盡千秋怨  碧血凝成萬古詩
默向長天尋新路  霞光芳霧映春暉

九嶷山上白云飞  帝子乘风下翠微  斑竹一枝千滴泪  红霞万朵百重衣
洞庭波涌连天雪  长岛人歌动地诗  我欲因之梦寥廓  芙蓉国里尽朝晖】

《A Dream Remembered》Deng Tuo

(This poem of 1966 is the last by Deng Tuo, before he killed himself so his wife and children might be safe.) Continue reading

《一嵐清玩》鄧拓 (1912-1966) 江紹倫英譯

《一嵐清玩》鄧拓 (1912-1966)


《To My Wife Yi Lan》Deng Tuo

茫茫山海雲深處  Deep amid clouds overlooking hills and rills wide
鬱郁松峰夕陽紅  Pine tips serene remain crimson till sunset time
望斷飛鴻天外影  I look for shadows of wild geese beyond the sky
花魂詩思伴西東  Floral souls and poetic thoughts stay by my side

《定情 _1942》鄧拓 (1912-1966) 江紹倫英譯

《定情 _1942》Love Devotiondeng  tuo and wife

戰地青衫侶  In cotton clothes we are a couple in battling lands
風沙北國春  Spring winds whirl up sands in northland
白雲浮終古  White clouds float as always been
江水去長東  The eastward river flows like ever since
身世三生劫  We had endured cosmic tests in three incarnates
心天一向紅  Our hearts remain red like sunshine immaculate
高情為爾我  We share life with the same lofty goals
天地自無窮  Together we will go forward till time eternal

《聶榮臻將軍像贊_1942》鄧拓 (1912-1966) 江紹倫英譯

《聶榮臻將軍像贊_1942》鄧拓 (1912-1966)70

百戰長征上太行  幽燕多難馬蹄忙

中年邊寄紆籌策  談笑兵戈翰墨場

《For the Likeness of General Nie Rong Zhen》Deng Tuo

A hundred battles of long march up Mt. Taiheng high
Where swallows fear our steeds busily climb
At middle age you strive to reach our shared goals
Amid chats and laughter you fall back to the literary fold

《書城 _1930》鄧拓 (1912-1966) 江紹倫英譯

《書城 _1930》67

兩間憔悴一儒生  長對青燈亦可驚
不卜文章流海內  莫教詩酒誤虛名
得侔前輩追真意  便是今生入世誠
白眼何妨看俗傖  幽懷默默寄書城  

  Book City (1930)》Deng Tuo

Languishing in two offices braves this literary worker Continue reading



deng  tuo and wife09
滹沱河畔訂心盟  卷地風沙四野鳴

如此年時如此地  人間長此寄深情

Love Vows Deng Tuo (1912-1966)

By the Hutuo River we make our vows
All over our country winds of change fervently haul
For this time and this land we take note
To humanity we pledge our love in solemn oath