「客至(喜崔明府相过)」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

舍南舍北皆春水  但见群鸥日日来  花径不曾缘客扫  蓬门今始为君开
盘餐市远无兼味  樽酒家贫只旧醅  肯与邻翁相对饮  隔篱呼取尽馀杯

North and south of my cottage runs a winding stream
Gulls come daily in flocks so keen
The footpath filled with fallen flowers have not been cleaned
My wicket door is open today in anticipation for your coming

Far from the market I can offer you only simple food
In place of rich wine let’s sample my homebrew if you so would
Should you wish to meet my good neighbours in glee
I’ll call them over the fence together we will drink for gaiety

「春望」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

「春望」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

国破山河在  城春草木深  感时花溅泪  恨别鸟惊心
烽火连三月  家书抵万金  白头搔更短  浑欲不胜簪

Spring View     Du Fu (712-770)  江紹倫譯

Our motherland war-torn the hills and rivers keep
Towns in spring wild grass grow in deep
In grief tearing flowers pant
Parting birds cry frightened to no end

High on the mountains beacon fires are three months old
Any word from home is worth ten thousand gold
Scratching my head makes my hair thin
They hold not even a light hairpin


题宣州开元寺水阁    杜牧 (803-852)

六朝文物草连空   天淡云闲今古同
鸟去鸟来山色里   人歌人哭水声中

深秋帘幕千家雨   落日楼台一笛风
惆怅无日见范蠡   参差烟树五湖东

Ruins in Splendor   Du Mu (803-852)   江紹倫譯 

Gone are the cultural splendors of the Sixth Dynasty no more
Leisure clouds roam in the pale sky the same as yore
Birds come and go through reds and greens up wooded hills
Happy songs and sad wails mix sinking deep in murmuring rills

A thousand houses veiled behind curtains in late autumn rains
As the sun set towers and terraces heard a lone flute sing
How I miss the Sage by the lakeside in bygone days
When old trees stood in haze east of the Five Lakes

春日偶成 二首__周恩來16岁 (1898-1976)

《春日偶成》__周恩來16岁  (1898-1976)



Thoughts on a Spring Day__ Zhou Enlai (1898-1976) in 1914   江紹倫譯

I cast my eyes into the suburb green
Everywhere thickening fog seen
Power struggles occupy the heartland in heat
Assassin strikes repeatedly beat

Cherry blossoms flush o’er a winding path
Green willows by the pond hush
Amid the twitters of swallows
My thoughts spent a new year to follow

范仲淹 (989-1052) 蘇幕遮

范仲淹 (989-1052)


碧雲天  黃葉地  秋色連波  波上寒煙翠  山映斜陽天接水  芳草無情   更在斜陽外

黯鄉魂  追旅思  夜夜除非  好夢留人睡  明月高樓休獨倚  酒入愁腸   化作相思淚

Fan Zhong Yan  (989-1052)

Tune:  Behind Silk Screens  江紹倫譯

White clouds pale the blue sky
Yellow leaves fill the grounds high
Waves on waves of autumn colours flow
Tethering green mists aglow
On shiny hills sun rays vividly spray
In the horizon water and sky a single display
Whither are you my unfeeling lover
Beyond the setting sun hover

My soul is homebound
Following dreams around
Night after night present and past events meet
Sweet dreams prolong slumbers so neat
Up on the high bower in moonlit nights
‘Tis better not to lean on rails alone
As wines touch bowels in sorrow
Nostalgic thoughts heave and tears roll

杜牧 (803-852)__金谷园

杜牧 (803-852)__金谷园

繁华事散逐香尘  流水无情草自春
日暮东风怨啼鸟  落花犹似坠楼人

[金谷园 晋石崇的豪华宅第,故址在今河南洛阳。石崇有爱姬,当石遭人陷害被捕时,跳楼自殒。]

Du Mu (803-852)
The Golden Garden    江紹倫譯

Past glories gone perished like fragrant dust shower
Time ceaselessly drifts grasses green every spring
Birds lament their songs echo vernal breezes in the evening
Here tumbled Green Pearl the famed mistress a fallen flower

杜牧 (803-852)__江南春

杜牧 (803-852)__江南春

千里莺啼绿映红  水村山郭酒旗风
南朝四百八十寺  多少楼台烟雨中 

Du Mu (803-852)
Spring South of the River     江紹倫譯 

Oriels sing in a thousand li amid blooms red and green
Wine shops by hills and rills hoist banners to lure people in
Four hundred eighty splendid temples of yore still remain
Together with pagodas through years of mists and rains

I Look Into My Glass__ Thomas Hardy

I Look Into My Glass__ Thomas Hardy 鏡中人__蕭若碧
I look into my glass, 在鏡子裡,我端詳自己
And view my wasting skin, 望見了容顏的乾癟
And say, “Would God it came to pass 我對它說,仰上帝恩典
My heart had shrunk as thin!” 但願我心同時枯竭
For then, I, undistrest 因為槁木的心
By hearts grown cold to me, 不再因冷待而憂戚
Could lonely wait my endless rest 而可泰然自若
With equanimity. 寂然等待永恆安息
But Time, to make me grieve, 但時間為了折磨我
Part steals, lets part abide; 消耗了我身
And shakes this fragile frame at eve 卻放過我心
With throbbings of noontide. 在這傍晚的時分
暗流 〈讀 I Look Into My Glass by Thomas Hardy 有感〉 來搖撼我這荏弱的驅殼

李清照 (1085-1156) 小重山

李清照 (1085-1156)


春到長門春草青  紅梅些子破  未開勻
碧雲籠碾玉成塵  留曉夢  驚破一甌春
花影壓重門  疏簾鋪淡月  好黃昏
二年三度負東君  歸來也  著意過今春

Li Qing Zhao (1085-1156)   江紹倫譯

Tune: Manifold Hills

Spring arrives at our doors the grass is green
Early mume blossoms seen
Uneven bursts

Emerald tea fine as jade dust on steam
Keeping my morning dream
I wake up surprised to find a beautiful spring

Heavy flower shades caress all doors
Translucent screens let in lambent moon tours
A beautiful eve

You had missed this delight thrice o’er two years
Whence home again
Do stay through this our spring

李賀 (790-816)__金銅仙人辭漢歌

李賀 (790-816)_金銅仙人辭漢歌

魏明帝青龍元年八月 詔宮官牽車西取漢孝武捧露盤仙人   欲立置前殿。宮官既拆盤 仙人臨載乃潸然淚下。唐諸王孫李長吉遂作金銅仙人辭漢歌。]

茂陵劉郎秋風客 夜聞馬嘶曉無跡
畫欄桂樹懸秋香 三十六宮土花碧
魏官牽車指千里 東關酸風射眸子

空將漢月出宮門 憶君清淚如鉛水
衰蘭送客咸陽道 天若有情天亦老
攜盤獨出月荒涼 渭城已遠波聲小

Li He (790-816)
From the Han Palace the Bronze Statue Depart  江紹倫譯

The Emperor gone like an autumn breeze
His steed neighed at night by dawn no trace
In the painting laurel trees stood mute besides guarding rails
Invading moss grew covering grounds of his thirty-six palaces
The palace attendants prepared a carriage to cover a thousand li
At the Eastern Passacid wind twirled to deter him from advancing

Only the moon of yesterday saw him leave the palace door
Overcame by sadness tears rolled like running mercury
Only withering orchids said adieu to bid him farewell
If there was heavenly love it would grow old as well
For a companion a desolate moon remained on a silver plate not abate
The capital was far behind as his gallop roars faded