「春望」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

「春望」(唐) 杜甫 (712-770)

国破山河在  城春草木深  感时花溅泪  恨别鸟惊心
烽火连三月  家书抵万金  白头搔更短  浑欲不胜簪

Spring View     Du Fu (712-770)  江紹倫譯

Our motherland war-torn the hills and rivers keep
Towns in spring wild grass grow in deep
In grief tearing flowers pant
Parting birds cry frightened to no end

High on the mountains beacon fires are three months old
Any word from home is worth ten thousand gold
Scratching my head makes my hair thin
They hold not even a light hairpin

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