范仲淹 (989-1052)
碧雲天 黃葉地 秋色連波 波上寒煙翠 山映斜陽天接水 芳草無情 更在斜陽外
黯鄉魂 追旅思 夜夜除非 好夢留人睡 明月高樓休獨倚 酒入愁腸 化作相思淚
Fan Zhong Yan (989-1052)
Tune: Behind Silk Screens 江紹倫譯
White clouds pale the blue sky
Yellow leaves fill the grounds high
Waves on waves of autumn colours flow
Tethering green mists aglow
On shiny hills sun rays vividly spray
In the horizon water and sky a single display
Whither are you my unfeeling lover
Beyond the setting sun hover
My soul is homebound
Following dreams around
Night after night present and past events meet
Sweet dreams prolong slumbers so neat
Up on the high bower in moonlit nights
‘Tis better not to lean on rails alone
As wines touch bowels in sorrow
Nostalgic thoughts heave and tears roll