《紅梅》蘇軾 (1037-1101)

red plum_1 Red Plum Blossom   江紹倫譯

She prefers to drown her grief in sleep so she blooms late
It matters not her icy look up to date
Imitating peach and apricot roughs on her face
To maintain her uniqueness a slender and frosty grace
Her serene character cares not for the brilliance of spring
Her jade skin carries the hue of a subdue wine stain
Alas the old poet knew not how to describe her noble beauty
Only sang songs of peach leaves and apricot boughs ordinary

《雨晴後步至四望亭》蘇軾 (1037-1101)

fourviewAfter Rain at the Four-side view Pavilion   江紹倫譯

This magnificent pavilion is deserted long ago
Below thrives a pond where fishes happily grow
The setting sun sends rays to shine on a thousand hills
Vernal breezes air a hundred fragrances in meadow fields

In this community people are contented not to win
Beside the ancient temple dark vermilion bamboos gleam
From where have these herons come
At dusk their loud cries just awesome

《尼亞加拉》 江紹倫

Niagare Falls
Niagara                           by Kong Shui Loon

Torrent rush coming from the sky
The river gorge deep and wide
Rapids reach the escarpment suddenly fall
Freely forming foams and thick walls

Birds see the water falls as swirls boiling
People on ground hear them thundering
Is this the Niagara world famous
Or nature’s show of motion and sound mighty

I go for the rainbow arching high
And nature’s power through a window of my eyes
I visit nearby orchards and vineries
To sample fresh fruits and wines heavenly
Then appreciate plays of Shaw and Shakespeare
They depict human confidence and fears

胡笳十八拍 10, 11, 12 (东汉) 蔡琰 [文姬]

Eighteen Refrains on Tartar Pipes 10, 11, 12 Cai Yan [Cai Wenji] (ca. 177-?)
Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国译

Beacons on the Great Wall are ne’er out at ease,
Will fights on the battlefield ever cease?

Day after day killing rampages through the frontier gates,
Night after night gusts whip along moonlit border in haste.

Isolated from homeland news can’t be heard,
Muted sobs of frustration are swallowed and unheard.

A hard life since my separation from those I love,
At sad tenth refrain my tears turn fast into blood

I loathe dying not because I wish to long live,
For good reasons I don’t take my own life.

Living, so one day to my homeland I’ll return,
If dead, and my bones buried that’s just not a concern.

Day in day out staying in war camp what I’ve done;
Tartar spoils me as I bore him two sons.

Them I nurture without dishonour,
‘Tis a pity they’re brought up off the border.

So it starts for the eleventh refrain,
My grief lingers deep inside unrestrained.

Vernal breezes harmonize in a warming trend,
By virtue of the Han emperor’s grace it tends.

Southern Huns celebrate by song and dance,
For the two nations reconcile and lay down their arms.

Han emissary suddenly brings forth the emperor’s mission,
That’s to send handsome monies for my repatriation.

Joyful of survival and meeting the virtuous son of heaven,
But regrets to leaving young sons without good reason.

At twelfth refrain grief and joy made even,
My mixed emotions are difficult for entailment

酬世五七言句__余晃英 (’61)

所謂「酬世」文字,就是在特定的場合,為一個人際交往的目的,為特定的人而寫的東西。也即是包含了時、地、人、事的四個因素。「酬」不應只是應酬的意思,其中還有應對、酬謝、報償、行禮等等的含義。我不懂寫舊詩,就湊合五字或七字句,成一作品,送給人,表示對他或她的敬重、鼓勵、祝賀、哀悼、思念等感情,藉以抒發與人交往相處的感受。這種文字,並不過時,用處是在特別的場合,加添善意,美意和個人特色。比送一張 Hallmark 咭來得親切。以下各則依性質分類,有些姓名故意不列,一两處有少改。



Poems on Chess Games translated by Kong Shiu Loon

夢中作       北宋  歐陽修(1007~1086)

in dream_e

夜涼吹笛千山月  路暗迷人百種花  棋罷不知人換世  酒闌無奈客思家 

Written in My Dream      Ouyang Xiu

My flute tunes invite the moon to shine on a thousand hills
The roads a maze with hundreds of flowers bloom in goodwill
Whence our chess game ends the world has changed we know it not
Drinking in leisure does not keep me from pining for home a lot

對棋與道源至草堂寺    宋 王安石(1021~1086) Continue reading

A Selection of Summer Poems by Fan Cheng Da (1126-1193) Tr. by Kong Shiu Loon

plum《四时田园杂兴》__范成大 (1226-1193)

A Selection of Rustic Poems by Fan Cheng Da (1126-1193) Translated by Kong Shiu Loon

Summer (1)

梅子金黄杏子肥   麥花雪白菜花稀   日長籬落無人過   惟有蜻蜒蛱蝶飛

Ripe plums golden almonds in bounty
Wheat flowers like snow vegetable flowers scanty
Long solitary days no one passes my hedged-in space
Except dragonflies and butterflies dash enjoying their plays  Continue reading