《憶茶》金農(1687-1764) 江紹倫英譯

《Recalling Tea》Jin Nong

草鋪綠罽地無塵  Green grass covers the ground like a carpet free of dust
朝日熹微榆火新  In the twilight wood fires are burning red and fast
兩串春團三道印  Two balls of tea in a package with three seal marks
不知茶宴赴何人  I recall not to whose tea party I took part


《岩居僧》趙師秀(?-1219)  《Cave Dwelling Monk》Zhao Shi Xiu

開扉在石層  He dwells in a cave carved from rock layers
盡日少人登  Few people visit him in days and years
一鳥過寒木  A single bird flies over the cold woods
數花搖翠藤  On green vines few flowers take root Continue reading

《小廊 》《寄松風上人》鄭燮 [鄭板橋] (1693-1765) __ 江紹倫英譯

《小廊》鄭燮 [鄭板橋](1693-1765)  《Small Chamber》Zheng Xie

小廊茶熟已無煙  In the small chamber tea is brewed free of vapor
摘取寒花瘦可憐  I pick a chrysanthemum lean and piteous
寂寂柴門秋水闊  From the open wicket the autumn river appears wide
亂鴉揉碎夕陽天  The brilliant sunset sky is dotted by crows passing by Continue reading

《送茶僧》陸容 (1436-1494) 江紹倫英譯

《送茶僧》陸容 (1436-1494)  《For a Tea Connoisseur Monk》Lu Ron

江南風致說僧家  Monks from south of the river their charisma special
石上清香竹裡茶  Often seen with stone grinds and fragrant tea in a bamboo bowl
法藏名僧知更好  The learned master from the grand temple is a tea connoisseur
香煙茶暈滿袈裟  His robe marked with stains his chamber with tea aroma

《鷓鴣天》《小重山》《近事好》__李清照(1084-1155) 江紹倫英譯

《鷓鴣天》李清照(1084-1155)  《Tune: Partridge Sky》Li Qing Zhao

寒日蕭蕭上瑣窗  I shut out the noise of petal falls in the cold
梧桐應恨夜來霜  Plane trees should fear the night’s frosting cold
酒闌更喜團茶苦  Nearly tipsy I drink heavy tea for the bitter taste
夢斷偏宜瑞腦香  Awake from dreams I light up my fragrant censer in haste

秋已盡             Autumn gone
日猶長             Days long
仲宣懷遠更淒涼  The farther the legend poet roams the more he feels forlorn
不如隨分尊前醉  An easy drinker should know the harm of excessive drinking
莫負東籬菊蕊黃  And remember how Tao Qian loved daisies and simple living Continue reading

《初識茶花》陳與義(1090-1138) 江紹倫英譯

《初識茶花》陳與義(1090-1138)  《First Encounter with Tea Flower》Chen Yu Yi

伊軋籃輿不受催  Bamboo sedan carriers sing as they slowly go
湖南秋色更佳哉  Autumn scenes south of the lake are beautiful to behold
青裙玉面初相識  Tea leaves and flowers are my first encounters
九月茶花滿路開  In the ninth moon they are wherever I saunter

《和梅公儀嘗建茶》歐陽修(1007-1072) 江紹倫英譯

《和梅公儀嘗建茶》歐陽修(1007-1072)  《Tasting Tea from Fujian》Ouyang Xiu

溪山擊鼓助雷驚  They roll drums at Qi Hill to wake up the tea trees
逗曉靈芽發翠莖  Before daybreak they pick tender stems and leaves
摘處兩旗香可愛  Where buds open to two leaves their fragrance protrude
貢來雙鳳品尤精  Tea for the Emperor are marked with phoenix images true Continue reading

《採茶詞》高啟(1336-1374) 江紹倫英譯

《採茶詞》高啟(1336-1374)  《Tea Picking Song》Gao Qi

雷過溪山碧雲暖  Thunders gone white clouds return to warm Qi Hill
幽叢半吐槍旗短  On top of tea shrubs new shoots are short still
銀釵女兒相應歌  Wearing silver hair pins maidens sing songs in duets
筐中摘得誰最多  To compare whose basket has gatherings fully filled Continue reading

《夔州竹枝茶》范成大(1126-1193) 江紹倫英譯

《夔州竹枝茶》范成大(1126-1193)  《A Sichuan Folk Song》Fan Cheng Da

白頭老媼簪紅花 An old woman puts a red brooch on her hair white
黑頭女娘三髻丫 A black hair female dons a three-pronged bun high
背上兒眠上山去  Piggybacking her sleeping babe she climbs up the hill
采桑已閑當采茶 After mulberry leaves she has tea leaves to pick still