《鷓鴣天》李清照(1084-1155) 《Tune: Partridge Sky》Li Qing Zhao
寒日蕭蕭上瑣窗 I shut out the noise of petal falls in the cold
梧桐應恨夜來霜 Plane trees should fear the night’s frosting cold
酒闌更喜團茶苦 Nearly tipsy I drink heavy tea for the bitter taste
夢斷偏宜瑞腦香 Awake from dreams I light up my fragrant censer in haste
秋已盡 Autumn gone
日猶長 Days long
仲宣懷遠更淒涼 The farther the legend poet roams the more he feels forlorn
不如隨分尊前醉 An easy drinker should know the harm of excessive drinking
莫負東籬菊蕊黃 And remember how Tao Qian loved daisies and simple living
《小重山》《Tune: Manifold Hills》
春到長門春草青 Spring grass grows green on palace grounds in season
江梅些子破 A few red plums ripe and break
未開勻 In uneven growing states
碧雲籠碾玉成塵 Green Cloud tea is grinded into fine jade dust
留曉夢 I recall my dream at dawn
驚破一甌春 Surprised to see a pot of tea in my dorm
花影壓重門 Flower shadows play on my door
疏簾鋪淡月 A waning moon enters my screen to cover my floor
好黃昏 A fine evening
二年三度負東君 You had missed spring pleasures thrice in two years
歸來也 Come back this year
著意過今春 To share spring with me in cheers
《近事好》《Tune: Good News Near》
蘭燭畫堂深 Deep in the hall with orchids and candles in décor
歌吹已終瑤席 The party is ending with singing by all
碾破密雲金縷 Miyuen tea with golden shoots floating in the broth
送蓬萊歸客 To send guests home in immortal lore
看宣詔未央宮 Recall the Emperor’s edicts in the palatial hall
草詔侍宸極 Calling me to draft summons for ministers to behold
拜賜一杯甘露 His majesty grants me a bowl of tea fine and sweet
泛天邊春色 I feel like flying sky high with spring I meet