《採茶詞》高啟(1336-1374) 江紹倫英譯

《採茶詞》高啟(1336-1374)  《Tea Picking Song》Gao Qi

雷過溪山碧雲暖  Thunders gone white clouds return to warm Qi Hill
幽叢半吐槍旗短  On top of tea shrubs new shoots are short still
銀釵女兒相應歌  Wearing silver hair pins maidens sing songs in duets
筐中摘得誰最多  To compare whose basket has gatherings fully filled
歸來清香猶在手  Arriving home fragrance remains in their hands
高品先將呈太守  They pack the best tea to high offices they send
竹爐新焙未得嘗  Newly baked tea leaves are not for home consumption
籠盛販與湖南商  They are sold to Hunan merchants who trade in all regions
山家不解種禾黍  Mountain folks know not how to cultivate grains
衣食年年在春雨  Their annual livelihood depends on harvests in spring rain

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