題破山寺後禪院 (唐) 常建 (flor 727)

清晨入古寺  初日照高林
曲徑通幽處  禪房花木深

山光悅鳥性  潭影空人心
萬籟此俱寂  惟餘鐘磬音

A Chan Hall Behind a Temple Ruin         tr By S L Kong
I arrive at this ancient temple at first light
The morning sun shines into the forest its lofty trees bright
A bamboo- lined path leads me to a deep serene retreat
The Chan Hall is hidden in shrubs and flowers sweet

Birds chase one another in the mountain aura displaying pleasure
In the bottom of the deep mountain pool my mind finds solitude and leisure
‘Tis so quiet I find no trace of heavenly sounds here
Only temple bells toll their peel linger in the air

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《月下獨酌》__ (唐) 李白

花間一壺酒  獨酌無相親
舉杯邀明月  對影成三人
月既不解影  影徒隨我身
暫伴月將影  行樂需及春
我歌月徘徊  我舞影零亂
醒時同交歡  醉後各分散
永結無情遊  相期邈雲漢

Drinking Alone in Moonlight                       tr By SL Kong

A bottle in hand amid flowers plentiful
Drinking alone with no one dear to hold
I raise my cup to invite the moon for my drinking mate
Her light casts my shadow so we have a three-some date
The moon knows not how to drink or cheer
Leaving only my shadow to follow me here and there
Together for the moment we happily play
And make merry this spring day
I sing and the moon lingers far and near
I dance and my shadow flutters hither and where
Sober we remain cheerful and gay
Drunk we part to go each other’s own way
We pledge togetherness for eternity
To parallel the legendary lovers in the galaxy

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蝶戀花 (北宋) 歐陽修 (1007~1072)



Tune: Butterfly linger flower                      tr By S L Kong

Deep deep the mansion and courtyards so deep
Veiled by countless willows waving smoke-like screens
Where her master is roaming on jade saddles and bridles she knows not
Standing in her balcony she seeks his whereabouts seeing naught

Fury gusts and pours rage the late spring dusk
She closed all windows and doors to shut out the evening
But spring stays in her feelings like a vane
Tearfully she asks flowers what to do flowers answer not
Only a flurry of pink petals fly her by past the swing

《將進酒》___ 李白


Let’s Drink                                         tr By SL Kong

Behold Yellow River waters originate high from the sky
Torrents rush to sea will n’ver return low or high
Behold grandparents before the mirror watch their grey hair sadly
Silky-black locks at dawn turned white at dusk so mercilessly
When in success we should enjoy life in great delight
And n’ver leave golden goblets empty in a moonlit night
Nature has endowed me with talents to usefully apply
Gold spent in thousands will be regained out right
Cows and sheep finely cooked will be savoured merrily
And mellow brews will be shared a thousand round in glee

Dear friends and students
Replenish your cups
Do not interrupt
Let’s together sing
Let your ears be filled with soothing ring
Bells and drums are unimportant not even costly dishes
I prefer to get drunk any time as I wish
Most scholars and saints are not recorded in historic books
Only wine lovers who share and cheer are remembered in documentary notes
Being host one should spare not any money
But to offer one’s best wines for everybody to share generously
Stately stallions
Costly furs
My son will take them to exchange for the finest brews money can buy
Let’s drink together until we are high
And leave any lingering worry behind

《飲酒詩 二十首之五》__ 陶潛 (365~427)

結盧在人境 而無車馬喧
問君何能爾 心遠地自偏

採菊東籬下 悠然見南山
山氣日夕佳 飛鳥相與還

此中有真意 欲辨已忘言

Drink               Tao Qian (365–427)  tr By S L Kong

Amid man’s haunted environs I have my chalet
Where noises of hoofs and wheels are kept away
Asked how such a place could achieve serenity
A detached mind can create peace naturally

At dawn I pick daisies by the fence at will
And watch the beauty of the southern hill
Where the mountain air so fresh is here to stay
Birds leave and return to their nests day after day

Herein rests the true meaning of life
If need be told words have escaped from my mind

Drinking Wine

I made my home amidst this human bustle,
Yet I hear no clamour from the carts and horses.
My friend, you ask me how this can be so?
A distant heart will tend towards like places.
From the eastern hedge, I pluck chrysanthemum flowers,
And idly look towards the southern hills.
The mountain air is beautiful day and night,
The birds fly back to roost with one another.
I know that this must have some deeper meaning,
I try to explain, but cannot find the words.

《歸園田居之三》__ 陶潛 (365~427)

種豆南山下 草盛豆苗稀
晨興理荒穢 帶月荷鋤歸

道狹草木長 夕露沾我衣
衣沾不足惜 但使願無違

Back to Nature III      Tao Qian (365–427)  tr By S L Kong

At the foot of the southern hills growing beans I try
Bean stalks soon wilt while grass thrive
To clear the weeds I early rise
Hoe on shoulder I return home by night

Narrow are the paths where shrubs grow tall
My clothes are soaked when heavy dews fall
It matters not if I’m wet
So long as my life goals are met

夜雨 (唐) 白居易 (772~848)

早蛩啼复歇  残灯灭又明 
隔窗知夜雨  芭蕉先有声
Rain At Night
                        tr. By K.C. Lee

Intermittently the anticipating morning insects twitter,
On and off the remaining evening lights flicker.
Pouring night rain imposes its presence through shuttered windows,
Heralded by pattering on broad leaf plants out in the meadows.

定風波 (宋) 蘇軾 (1036~1101)

莫聽穿林打葉聲    何妨吟嘯且徐行
竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬    誰怕    一蓑煙雨任平生

料峭春風吹酒醒    微冷    山頭斜照卻相迎
回首向來蕭瑟處    歸去    也無風雨也無晴

Tune: Calm Wind and Water
            tr. By SL Kong

Fear not the forest wind and rain beating on leaves
Advance surely forward singing aloud your mind at ease
More than horses straw sandals and cane I depend
No fear
A straw cloak is all I need to battle life’s mist and rain

Drown in shrill drink I welcome the warmth of venal breezes to make me sober
Chills I feel
The sun on hill top its enduring ray envelops me all over
I turn to reassess all events of my dreary past
Home now
Storm, wind or shine imperious

相見歡 李煜 (937~978)

無言獨上西樓 月如鉤

剪不斷 理還亂
是離愁 別是一般滋味在心頭
The Western Stair
-to the Tune of “Joy at Meeting”
   tr. By Father John Turner

Alone and silent up the Western Stair
A sickle moon hangs there:
And in the court below
One lonely tree is lapped in cold autumn air.

Shearing will not sever – no,
Nor sorting disentwine their woe,
When lovers part.
Sure ‘tis a special savour in the heart.
Silently I Ascend the West Tower Alone

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《卜算子 》 (宋)李之儀(1038~1117)

我住長江頭 君住長江尾
日日思君不見君 共飲長江水

此水幾時休 此恨何時已
只願君心似我心 定不負相思意

Live by Yangtze’s Upstream
《Tune: Song of Divination》
               tr By SL Kong

I live by the Yangtze’s upstream and you downstream
Night by night of you I dream
Day in day out you are not in sight but deep in my mind
The same water we share by day and night

Whence will this stream of longing cease
Whence will this pain and sorrow in me ease
Let’s hope that our hearts are of the same kind
Then not in vain we each other pine