《秋夜醉歸有感》牟融 (唐) 江紹倫英譯

《秋夜醉歸有感》《Returning Home Drunk in an Autumn Night》Mao Rong (Tang Dynasty)

銜杯誰道易更闌  Who says drinking hard can quell sadness in an autumn night
沈醉歸來不自歡  I return from the tavern drunk my sorrow still in bind
惆悵後時孤劍冷  Feeling helpless I stare at my sword idly hung on wall
寂寥無寐一燈殘  Sleepless I sit keeping company with my lamp fire in stall Continue reading


《萬丈》白雲守端  (1025-1072)
《Ten Thousand Feet》Bai Yun Souduan

萬丈寒潭澈底清  The ten thousand feet deep pool cool and pristine
錦鱗夜靜向光行  In the quiet night a colourful fish swims to pursue lighting
和竿一掣隨鉤上  With a swing of rod the fisherman catches a fish ending its life
水面茫茫散月明  The water calm when moonlight dances sending ripples wide Continue reading


Old Man1 Old Man2 IMG_3430

今早打完球,見完浴足师傅(link) 東北佬彼得。徙步到對面「丁胖子」商場的「人人」酒家斬半隻鹽水雞,准備與老婆晚上浸条菜,吃雞。

這「丁胖子」商場我曾經描述過,在「刁民糸列之八 – 葡京教仔」。這裡是新移民聚集之地。奇人奇事時有發生。


一老者如白眉道人,老神在在,坐在他的黃包車前看世界日報,我走近一看,老者正在讀「南海之龍」奪冠新聞,我立刻對他萬分尊敬。 Continue reading

《白雲出處從無例 — 憶周民樂同學》__陳焯亨(67)

PChau從洛杉磯到鳳凰城的路上傳來德國民航機失事是副機師故意撞山,心想這應該是今年最大的新聞了。到了鳳凰城一打開電腦卻看到民樂遽然去世的消息。那個經常參加馬拉松和單車賽的民樂? 。 。 。 。當我的眼光終於離開電腦屏幕房間裡兩牆相交的地方仍然是一條直線,燈光卻比平常暗淡


《登衡山祝融峰 (1961)》《東風 (1967)》《贈曾志 (1969)》《無題》陶鑄 (1908-1969) 江紹倫英譯

《登衡山祝融峰 (1961)》《To the Summit of Mt. Heng》Tao Zhu

名山南峙此登臨  To the south side of this famous mount here I arrive
絕頂融峰敢摘星  On the summit I dare to pick a star raising hands high
眼底奔流湘水碧  Below my eyes the blue River Xian swiftly flows
巒巔追逐白雲深  To the depths of white clouds mountain ranges follow Continue reading

Near and Along River Danube __ Daniel Ho (67)

Some Thoughts about and Timbits of History Learned during European Trip

Europe is the favorite tourism destination for my wife and me.  In Europe, the sceneries are beautiful or charming, the cultures and tastes are long-established, and the architecture of ancient buildings is civilized and exquisite.  During our latest trip to Europe, we visited the Czech Republic and took a river cruise on the River Danube.  What we saw during the trip is eye-opening.  I also picked up a few timbits of European history (at least legends if not bona fide history) from the local tour guides. Continue reading



