《菩提》惠能(638-713) 《Bodhi》Hui Neng, Sixth Chan Patriarch
菩提本無樹 Bodhi dwells not on trees
明鏡亦非台 Mirror reflections not illusion free
本來無一物 Buddha is serene always
何處惹塵埃 Dusts gather in no place
《火不》 古南通門(1641-1671) 《Fire Depends Not》Gu Nan Tongmen
火不待日而熱 Fire releases heat independent of sunrise
風不待月而涼 Winds cool unrelated to moonshine
渴來飲水 I drink water when thirsty
困來上床 I sleep on my bed in peace
蔦足自短 Birds have short legs
鶴脛自長 Cranes have long necks
誰在西山寺 I know not who dwells in the temple
鐘聲送夕陽 Tolls send the sun home to my soul
《自遣》齊己(863-937) 《Pleasure》Qi Yi
了然知是夢 Life is but a dream I know
既覺更何求 I seek nothing to hold
死入孤峰去 To a lone hill I enter after death
灰飛一燼休 Like ashes in the wind I vanish
雲無空碧在 Clouds gone leaving the sky blue
天靜月華流 Silently moonshines flow
免有諸徒弟 Keep in your own places my students
時來吊石頭 No need to visit your rock masters