《萬丈》白雲守端 (1025-1072)
《Ten Thousand Feet》Bai Yun Souduan
萬丈寒潭澈底清 The ten thousand feet deep pool cool and pristine
錦鱗夜靜向光行 In the quiet night a colourful fish swims to pursue lighting
和竿一掣隨鉤上 With a swing of rod the fisherman catches a fish ending its life
水面茫茫散月明 The water calm when moonlight dances sending ripples wide
《一拳》白雲守端 (1025-1072)
《One Punch》Bai Yun Souduan
一拳拳倒黃鶴樓 I pushed down the Yellow Crane Tower with a punch simple
一踢踢翻鸚鵡洲 And overturned the Yinwu Islet one kick was ample
有意氣時添意氣 Such success of my power encourages higher goals
不風流處也風流 Even what appears ordinary can be wonderful
《Past Years》Yin Zuang
陳年心事總消磨 Lingering thoughts of past events gradually fade
老去光陰白髮多 The passage of time triggers dwindling hairs to grey
高閣凌煙名不掛 I have not earned a name in the Hall of Fame
風前慵聽太平歌 I listen to glorious chants as winds rise and wane
《二月》法秀法雲 (1027-1090)
《The Second Moon》Fasiu Fayun
二月春庭雨霽時 In the second moon the yard is washed by timely rain
小桃紅綻兩三枝 On two or three branches early peach flowers show so vain
紅白爭妍人盡見 Everyone can differentiate the white flower from the red
因甚靈雲獨不疑 Master Linyun has no doubt a red flower is red in fact
《No Title》YunGai Zhibun
一年春盡一年春 A spring gone another spring will come again
野草山花幾度新 Wild grass and mountain flowers thrive now and then
天曉不因鐘鼓動 Dawn arrives detached from marking drums and bells calling on time
月明非為夜行人 The moon shines regardless if travelers are walking at night