《戲筆》 楊萬里 (1127-1206) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Brushing Fun》  Yang Wang Li

野菊荒苔各鑄錢   Wild daisies and mosses appear round like coins
金黄銅綠兩爭妍   Gold and copper shine to vie for joy
天公支與窮詩客   Nature rewards poets with such pays for recognition
只買清愁不買田   To purchase sorrow and not lands for cultivation

《初學高爾夫球》陳柏齡 (71)

golf     每逢禮拜四,必與一班高幾班的過去「精英」飲茶。培正的,聖保羅的,英皇的…..我是唯一的華仁仔。「殘渣」學生叨陪未席。
     他們是退休工程師,醫生,科學家,生意人…為美國社會貢獻良多。今天衣食無憂,每星期圍繞在滿桌子蝦餃,燒賣,腸粉,叉燒酥,炒粉,炒面,前高談闊論,講本地時事;港澳新聞;神洲大地;保健常識;最平美食;現代佳人;討論 iPhone 新系統的功能……他們懷舊,懷念往日的風彩。
     他們的所有題目,我皆可「加把嘴」,throw in my two cents,唯有談到高爾夫球,我立刻「收聲」。

《教育淺説十六講(五)教育目的》__ 江紹倫

學者(社會學,教育學)有人把第一段提的目的說為「教育為經濟人服務」。這是不對的,請看香港的李嘉誠,美國的Bill Gates, 中國的馬雲,各人都是巨富,卻不曾在學校耽擱太長時間。


Jesuits Played in HK Football League Division 1

HKWY_teachersVsboys[Match between HKWY teachers and students: Photo from “Jesuits in Hong Kong , South China and Beyond by Thomas Morrissey, S.J.”]

In the 1950’s Frs. McLaughlin (1922-2002), Tarpey (1924-2001), Farren (1923-2015), Deignan (1927- ) and Keane (taught at WYK for 1 year, 1954-55; now in Singapore) played for Hong Kong Club, Division 1.  香港足球聯賽甲组香港會。

In those years, annual international match between Ireland and Italy was played at WYK.  Representing Ireland were the Fathers we know and Italy, the Italian priests in HK.   Friendship first; there was no score board!

《病起荊江亭即事》黃庭堅 (1245-1305) __ 江紹倫英譯

《Thoughts While Sick》 Huang Ting Jian

翰墨場中老伏波   Fielding ink and literature this old man contemplates
菩提坊里病維摩   Under the Bhoddie tree Buddha’s questioning remains
近人積水無鷗鷺   The pond nearby attracts no gull nor cranes to hover
時有歸牛浮鼻過   Homeward buffaloes swim keeping heads above water

《雪景》《自遣》鄭燮 [鄭板橋] (1693-1765)


《Snow Scene》  Zheng Xie [Zheng Banqiao]

一片二片三四片  One flake two flakes three four flakes
五片六片七八片  Five flakes six flakes seven eight flakes
九片十片無數片  Nine flakes ten flakes eleven flakes
飛入蘆花看不見  Into reeds is seen no more flakes Continue reading