《中國日本與世界隨想集__(1)高空遊思》 __ 江紹倫 (53)

(1)  高空遊思


今天是2017年5月25 日,一個沒有特殊意義的日子。它連接昨天和明天,却見證着不少變化。


怎樣尋求認識呢?我沒有一個簡單的方法,却相信我有責任撰寫一系列的《隨想》,把我50年的經驗和廣面研究所得,寫下與當前狀況相連的觀察和見解,獻給大家。此刻,我在數分鐘內想起一些故事,也許可以給讀者稍作提示,這數十篇《隨想》有怎樣的內容和樣色。   閱讀全文

《叢書總序》__ 江紹倫 (53)

本叢書依作者半世紀的半世紀的國際經驗用現代語文寫中華智慧,兼寫在後現代一個世界格局的今天, 我們怎樣做一個中國人,自足安泰而高貴。 中華文化的起點是人,即人的天性(human nature)和人心(mind)。其終點仍是人,即人在自強不息的畢生奮鬥中圓滿平和,安祥歸宿。


《長亭怨: 與李天生冬夜宿雁門關作》 屈大均(1630—1696)__ 江紹倫英譯

Qu Da Zun (1630-1696)
記燒燭  Remember the nights we burned candles
雁門高處        High on Wild Geese Pass we settled
積雪封城  Heavy flurries had the city buried in snow
凍雲迷路  Beneath frozen clouds roads not recognizable
添儘香煤  To the stove we kept adding coals
紫貂相擁 夜深語 As we cuddle in mink coats to chat the night through
苦寒如許  Such bitter cold
難和爾  How could I echo
淒涼句  Your verses of sorrow
一片望鄉愁 To our native land we pined
飲不醉  Drinking without drunk
壚頭駝乳  Camel milk warmed on stove

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《水調歌頭 • 九月望日》 (與客習射西園,餘偶病不能射) 葉夢得 (1077-1148) __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Prelude to Water Melody • Written at Mid-Autumn》 Ye Meng De (1077-1148)
霜降碧天靜 Approaching Frost Fest the sky is green and serene
秋事促西風 Harvest activities hurry before winter sets in
寒聲隱地  Sounds of cold winds are heard as they begin
初聽中夜入梧桐 At midnight they get loud as plane leaves spin
起瞰高城回望 I got up to watch from the tower wall
寥落關河千里 Ten thousand miles of hills and rills had fall
一醉與君同 We drink till drunk to share our feelings
疊鼓鬧清曉 Before dawn drums repeatedly call
飛騎引雕弓 Soldiers hurry to mount and bow for war

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《鷓鴣天•題七真洞》 耶律 楚材 (1190-1244)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Partridge Sky》YeLu ChuCai (1190-1244)
花界傾頹事已遷  The temple collapsed nothing is the same
浩歌遙望意茫然  To recall the grand songs of yore is in vain
江山王氣空千劫  Hills and rills ruined in dynastic change
桃李春風又一年  Plums and peaches bring in another year in exchange
橫翠嶂  Green trees form screens horizontal
架寒烟  Mists hang cold
野花平草怨啼鵑  Wildflowers and cuckoo calls open the land portal
不知何限人間夢  Who knows the time-space limits of dreams
并觸愁思到酒邊  In sorrow I taste the sweetness of the wine-cup rim

《浣溪沙•野眺》 米芾(1051-1109)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Silky Sand Brook•Watching the Wild》 Mi Fei (1051-1109)
日射平溪玉宇中  The sun shines on a namelass brook against a wide sky
雲横遠渚岫重重  Clouds line up mountain ranges with no divide
野花猶向澗邊红  Wild flowers shine the stream banks in red light
静看沙頭鱼入網  I watch leisurely how trapping nets invite fish in
閑支藜杖醉吟風  Leaning on my cane tipsily I sing to the wind
小春天氣惱人濃  Only this unpredictable weather has my mind unsettling

《好事近•夢中作》 秦觀(1049-1100)  __江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Good News Near•Written in Dream》__Qin Guan (1049-1100)
春路雨添花 On a spring path flowers thrive with rain
花動一山春色 Hills are in beautiful scenes of spring
行到小溪深處 At the far end of a small brook
有黃鸝千百 Hundreds of oriels sing to provoke
飛雲當麵化龍蛇 Fleeting clouds change to become dragons and snakes
夭驕轉空碧 Extending their reaches to cover a sky blue and big
醉臥古藤陰下 Being drunk I lie in the shade of aging vines
了不知南北 Knowing not if it is north or south I reside

《更漏子•本意》 王夫之(1619-1692) 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: Time Dipper Song • Real Intention》 __Wang Fu Zi (1619-1692)
斜月横  The moon hangs across the sky
疏星炯  Scattered bright stars shine
不道秋宵真永  Who says autumn nights are not infinite
聲缓缓  Dripper drops mark time in limits
滴泠泠  They also appraise space systemic
雙眸未易扃  My eyes do not easily close

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《西河 • 金陵懷古》 周邦彥(1056-1121)__ 江紹倫英譯

《Tune: West Rill • Remembering the Ancient Capital》 Zhou Bang Yan (1056-1121)
佳麗地  The land of exceptional beauties
南朝盛事誰記  Who records the prosperity of the Six Dynaties
山圍故國繞清江  Rills meander round hills in the old country
髻鬢對起  A pair of green hills guards the river flow
怒濤寂寞打孤城  Surging billows pound the city walls powerful
風檣遙度天際  Toward the horizon tall sails steadily go

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