長亭送別 (元)王實甫 (1260-1336)




Parting                     Wang Shi Fu (1260-1336) 江紹倫譯
Tune: Calm Dignity        

Blue sky with clouds
Yellow flowers aground
West wind gust
Northern geese southbound
Drunk at dawn whose face flushes like autumn woods
‘Tis tears of lovers drown in parting mood

遊園不值 (宋)葉紹翁

應憐屐齒印蒼苔    小扣柴扉久不開
春色滿園關不住    一枝紅杏出牆來

Visiting a Garden With an Absent Host      Ye Shao Weng      江紹倫譯

Tender moss dislikes my clogs their teeth inflict pain
I tap the door repeatedly no one answers my call
No garden can confine the splendour of spring
A red apricot branch extends o’er its wall

靜女 國風 邶風

靜女其姝    俟我於城隅
愛而不見    搔首踟躕

靜女其孌    貽我彤管
彤管有煒    說懌女美

自牧歸荑    洵美且異
匪女之為美  美人之貽

My Quiet Maiden         The Book of Poetry      江紹倫譯

A maiden quiet fair and tall
She waits to meet me by the city wall
Evasive her love for me is not seen readily
Scratching my head I approach her awkwardly

My quiet maiden so fair
She gives me a crimson reed from her hair
The crimson reed makes me happy and bright
I love both my maiden and her reed so fine

My maiden returns delightfully from the mead
She gives me a beautiful reed unique indeed
‘Tis precious not for its rarity.
‘Tis my love’s gift for eternity

十五從軍徵 (漢) 樂府詩

十五從軍徵  八十始得歸
道逢鄉里人  家中有阿誰
遙看是君家  松柏塚累累
兔從狗竇入  雉從樑上飛
中庭生旅谷  井上生旅葵
舂谷持作飯  採葵持作羹
羹飯一時熟  不知貽阿誰
出門東向看  淚落沾我衣

To Arms at Fifteen        A Han Dynasty Folk Song       江紹倫譯 

At fifteen I was drafted to fight in a war
Coming home my age is of four-score
On the way I ask a fellow from my village I used to know
Who are still living within my family door
O’er there he pointed you will find your home
Resting amid pines and cypresses are your ancestors’ tombs

Inside my empty house I see a hare entering the dog hole
While pheasants fly over the roof to and fro
Wild grain stalks cover the central court densely
Around the well mellows thrive happily

I take some spring grain to cook for rice
And boil mellows for a gruel suffice
Both rice and gruel make up the finest home fare
But there is no one here with me to share
Facing east outside my door I look for an answer clear
My face furrow my clothes wet with tear

書江西造口壁 (宋) 辛棄疾(1140-1207)


鬱孤台下清江水    中間多少行人淚    西北是長安  可憐無數山

青山遮不住  畢竟東流去  江晚正愁餘  山深聞鷓鴣 

Written on the Wall of Zaokou      Xin Qi Ji(1140-1207)江紹倫譯

‘Neath the Gloom Terrace two rivers flow
The water contains so much tears of refugees on the road
To the northeast I gaze looking for our lost Capital
Sadly all I see are but hills

Hills verdant cannot block my view
Eastward the rivers continue to flow
Would they care for my heart’s ills
I hear partridges cry from among distant hills

飲酒 (唐)柳宗元(773—819)

今夕少愉樂  起坐開清尊
舉觴酹先酒  為我驅憂煩

須臾心自殊  頓覺天地暄
連山變幽晦  綠水函晏溫

藹藹南郭門  樹木一何繁
清陰可自庇  竟夕聞佳言

盡醉無復辭  偃臥有芳蓀
彼哉晉楚富  此道未必存

Drinking           Liu Zong Yuan(773—819)江紹倫譯         

Nothing joyful in view this day at dawn
I get up to open a bottle of clear brew
Let me first thank the Lord of Wine
He helps me dispel all worries in mind

A single draught makes the world different
Everything becomes colourful and exuberant
Mountain scenes open up my mind wide
Blue rivers bring warmth divine

The southgate leads to jubilance
Flourishing trees wave arms in exuberance
Under the cool shades I feel fine
And hear good silent advice into the night

Should anyone say I must decline getting drunk
I lie on the perfume meadow rolling round and round
The rich and successful may say with no experience
There’s no joy in drunkenness

臨江仙 (宋) 蘇軾(1037—1101)



Returning to Lingao by Night                 Su Shi(1037—1101)   江紹倫譯
Tune: Immortals By the River

Drinking alternating from sober to drunk I mark my name
Returning home ’tis not far from morning
My house boy in slumber continues with his thundering snore
Despite repeated knocks no one answers the door
I turn to the river with my cane to listen to its rhythmic roar

How I regret not being master of my own destiny
Whence could I forget life’s gain and vanity
Night still river ripples calm and soft wind quivers
‘Tis time I ride my skiff free the world my reign
To travel where’er the ocean of life sustain

博山寺作 辛棄疾(1140-1207)


不向長安路上行    卻教山寺厭逢迎
味無味處求吾樂    材不材間過此生



At the Bo Shen Temple       Xin Qi Ji(1140-1207) 江紹倫譯
Tune: Partridge Sky

Road to the Capital I no longer seek
Toward the temple friendly monks are hard to meet
I’ve learned to derive taste from foods brand
And led a life unconcerned if my talent its use grand

Myself I am
Than a servitor of fame

Leaving worldly affairs I’ve now returned to till the land
Every pine and bamboo is a true friend
Wild birds and flowers brothers and sisters hand in hand

詠梅 陸游(1125-1210)

驛外斷橋邊  寂寞開無主  已是黃昏獨自愁    更著風和雨
無意苦爭春  一任群芳妒  零落成泥碾作塵    只有香如故

In Praise of Mume                    Lu You(1125-1210) 江紹倫譯
Tune: Song of Divination

By the fallen bridge outside the post hall
A flower is in bloom forlorn
She stands in self-imposed dreary by evening
And endures the thrashing of wind and rain

She lays no claim to possess spring
And remain indifferent what envy other flowers bring
Even when her petals fall in mud to become dust
Her fragrance will long remain

暗香 姜夔(1155-1221)

舊時月色    算幾番照我  梅邊吹笛
喚起玉人    不管清寒與攀摘
何遜而今漸老      都忘卻春風詞筆
但怪得竹外疏花    香冷入瑤席

江國  正寂寂      嘆寄與路遙  夜雪初積
翠尊易泣    紅萼無言耿相憶
長記曾攜手處      千樹壓西湖寒碧
又片片      吹盡也      幾時見得

Subdue Fragrance      Jiang Kui(1155-1221)      江紹倫譯

Moonlight of yore
How often do you shine on me by my call
To hear me play my flute beside the mume tree

My love I remember you so fair
I reach out for you despite the chill air

How time fleets I’m now old gradually
How my lyrical brush wrote spring events so merry

Beneath the bamboos why should spotty flowers invade
And leave perfumes to cool spreads of jade

My heart a land of streams
Loneliness flows
Could I send you a sprig of mume so far away
When overnight snow begins to cumulate

Branches and leaves shift positions
Memories stall when red petals tell in silent communication

I’ve always remembered together we join hands to create
Witnessed by a thousand trees greening the West Lake 

Why must petals always fall
Whence will you and I join our hands like yore