今夕少愉樂 起坐開清尊
舉觴酹先酒 為我驅憂煩
須臾心自殊 頓覺天地暄
連山變幽晦 綠水函晏溫
藹藹南郭門 樹木一何繁
清陰可自庇 竟夕聞佳言
盡醉無復辭 偃臥有芳蓀
彼哉晉楚富 此道未必存
Drinking Liu Zong Yuan(773—819)江紹倫譯
Nothing joyful in view this day at dawn
I get up to open a bottle of clear brew
Let me first thank the Lord of Wine
He helps me dispel all worries in mind
A single draught makes the world different
Everything becomes colourful and exuberant
Mountain scenes open up my mind wide
Blue rivers bring warmth divine
The southgate leads to jubilance
Flourishing trees wave arms in exuberance
Under the cool shades I feel fine
And hear good silent advice into the night
Should anyone say I must decline getting drunk
I lie on the perfume meadow rolling round and round
The rich and successful may say with no experience
There’s no joy in drunkenness