十五從軍徵 八十始得歸
道逢鄉里人 家中有阿誰
遙看是君家 松柏塚累累
兔從狗竇入 雉從樑上飛
中庭生旅谷 井上生旅葵
舂谷持作飯 採葵持作羹
羹飯一時熟 不知貽阿誰
出門東向看 淚落沾我衣
To Arms at Fifteen A Han Dynasty Folk Song 江紹倫譯
At fifteen I was drafted to fight in a war
Coming home my age is of four-score
On the way I ask a fellow from my village I used to know
Who are still living within my family door
O’er there he pointed you will find your home
Resting amid pines and cypresses are your ancestors’ tombs
Inside my empty house I see a hare entering the dog hole
While pheasants fly over the roof to and fro
Wild grain stalks cover the central court densely
Around the well mellows thrive happily
I take some spring grain to cook for rice
And boil mellows for a gruel suffice
Both rice and gruel make up the finest home fare
But there is no one here with me to share
Facing east outside my door I look for an answer clear
My face furrow my clothes wet with tear