曹雪芹 (1715-1763)__红楼梦__黛玉葬花吟 (節譯)

曹雪芹 (1715-1763)      Cao Xue Qin (1715-1763)
红楼梦                            From The Saga of the Red Chamber
黛玉葬花吟  (節譯)      Lin Daiyu’s Flower Burial (partial rendition)

花谢花飞花满天  Flowers fall wandering flying all over the sky
红消香断有谁怜  Red colours fade and fragrance ceases no one can deny
游丝软系飘春榭  Floating gossamers softly enter her scented bower
落絮轻沾扑绣帘  Willowdowns waltz attaching to broidery blinds
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杜牧 (803-852)__山行

杜牧 (803-852)__山行

远上寒山石径斜  白云生处有人家
停车坐爱枫林晚  霜叶红于二月花 

Du Mu (803-852)
A walk on the hill    江紹倫譯

Far up the rocky path the mountain air is chilly
Where the clouds dwell cots and bowers perch freely
I sat on my cap to enjoy maple trees bathing in the sun
Their frosted leaves crimson are brighter than blooms in early spring

杜牧 (803-852)__清明

杜牧 (803-852)__清明

清明时节雨纷纷  路上行人欲断魂
借问酒家何处有  牧童遥指杏花村 

Du Mu (803-852)
Qing Ming Festival         江紹倫譯

Qing Ming day for remembering ancestors is marked by drizzles
Visitors struggle on roads to graveyards their hearts fissure
Where could I find a tavern to drown out this sad hour
A cowherd points to a village beyond the apricot flowers

杜牧 (803-852)__遣怀

杜牧 (803-852)  遣怀

落魄江湖载酒行  楚腰纤细掌中轻
十年一觉扬州梦  赢得青楼薄幸名

Du Mu (803-852)
Confession     江紹倫譯

Roving in rivers and lakes I indulge in pleasure and wine
Slender southern girls dance their hips in my hand fine
Awoke from a ten-year dream of roving life
I earned the name of a fickle lover among green mansions

蒋 捷 (?1274)__一剪梅__舟过吴江

蒋 捷 (?1274)


一片春愁待酒浇   江上舟摇   楼上帘招   秋娘渡与泰娘桥   风又飘飘   雨又萧萧
何日归家洗客袍   银字笙调   心字香烧   流光容易把人抛   红了樱桃   绿了芭蕉


Jiang Jie (fr. 1274) 江紹倫譯

Tune: A Twig of Mume Blossoms
Sailing through River Wu 

Boundless sorrows await relief drown in vernal wine
Down river currents my skiff cruises fine
Tavern banners on banks eagerly wave and wind
Advancing Autumn Passdown the QinBridge
Winds bellow
Rains chatter

Whence I’m home to rid off my wandering itch
With a silver flute I play
With an incense burner I cogitate
Time rush renders life in haste
Red cherries glean
Green bananas beam

歐陽炯 (895-971)

歐陽 (895-971) 


岸遠沙平   日斜歸路晚霞明
孔雀自憐金翠尾   臨水   認得行人驚不起

Ouyang Jiong (895-971)     江紹倫譯

Tune: Song of Southern Home

The riverbanks extend far where sands pale
The setting sun goes where a dyed sky its shines fade
Peacocks caringly preen their tails golden green
Near the pond
Fearing not the passers-by they gleam

采桑子 李清照(1084-1155)

晚來一陣風兼雨  洗盡炎光
理罷笙簧  卻對菱花淡淡妝

絳綃縷薄冰肌瑩  雪膩酥香
笑語檀郎  今夜紗櫥枕簟涼

Tune: Picking Mulberries   Li Qing Zhao (1084-1155)  江紹倫譯

A gust of wind and rain windup the lingering day
Washing the summer heat away
Her Sheng performance elicits music with such grace
Then beautifies her face light with not a makeup trace

Under a rosy thin dress her crystal-white skin is seen
Radiating an icy fragrance intimating hints
She whispers to her lover beaming with delight
The mat and pillow will be cool tonight

謝 Cheetahs

謝 Cheetahs

豹兒情義薄雲天  麻雀青春結契緣
昔日稚童孫已抱  當時丰采記猶鮮

故鄉何懼千山遠  舊友唯期一睹先
歲月縱能催鬢白  傾懷相笑頓忘年

Thank You Cheetahs       tr by Philip Lee

The friendship of Cheetahs is sky high
How it started at the Majong table cannot be denied
Those childhood days had transformed to seniors’ with grand children in our arms
Memories of those high moments followed us and around

While we are not deterred by being far from homeland
Everyone rushed to the reunion in order to shake one’s hand
Time passing by quickly and whiskers turned grey
Reunion with laughs allowed the yester years to be sent away

訴衷情 (宋)·陸游 (1125-1210)

訴衷情  (宋·陆游宋)·陸游 (1125-1210) 

當年萬里覓封候   匹馬戍梁州   關河夢斷何處  塵暗舊貂裘
胡未滅  鬢先秋  淚空流   此生誰料  心在天山  身老滄洲 

Tune:   Of Innermost Feelings   Lu You (1125-1210) 江紹倫譯

Alone I rode ten thousand li so long ago
To the call in arms at frontier Leung Zhou
Now in fading dreams I know not where to go
My cavalier coat of sable worn and old

The invaders not defeated yet
My autumn hair no longer black
Tears shed in vain
Who could expect in this my life
My heart still focusing on mountain-high aim
My ailing body is but a mortal frame

十一月四日風雨大作 (宋) 陸游(1125-1210 )


During a Storm in the Eleventh Moon__ Lu You (1125-1210) 江紹倫譯

I grieved not lying forlorn in a village hut
Plans to reclaim our lost frontier loomed in my heart
Listening to how stormy winds hurry the pouring rain
I dreamed how our steely steeds braved the frozen river on free rein