訴衷情 (宋·陆游宋)·陸游 (1125-1210)
當年萬里覓封候 匹馬戍梁州 關河夢斷何處 塵暗舊貂裘
胡未滅 鬢先秋 淚空流 此生誰料 心在天山 身老滄洲
Tune: Of Innermost Feelings Lu You (1125-1210) 江紹倫譯
Alone I rode ten thousand li so long ago
To the call in arms at frontier Leung Zhou
Now in fading dreams I know not where to go
My cavalier coat of sable worn and old
The invaders not defeated yet
My autumn hair no longer black
Tears shed in vain
Who could expect in this my life
My heart still focusing on mountain-high aim
My ailing body is but a mortal frame