謝 Cheetahs
豹兒情義薄雲天 麻雀青春結契緣
昔日稚童孫已抱 當時丰采記猶鮮
故鄉何懼千山遠 舊友唯期一睹先
歲月縱能催鬢白 傾懷相笑頓忘年
Thank You Cheetahs tr by Philip Lee
The friendship of Cheetahs is sky high
How it started at the Majong table cannot be denied
Those childhood days had transformed to seniors’ with grand children in our arms
Memories of those high moments followed us and around
While we are not deterred by being far from homeland
Everyone rushed to the reunion in order to shake one’s hand
Time passing by quickly and whiskers turned grey
Reunion with laughs allowed the yester years to be sent away
An alternative rendition perhaps?
Friendship of childhhood is sky high
Reinforced by Majong games no deny
Carefree days now with grandchildren abound
Memories of charismatic personage vividly around
Beyond a thousand hills homes are near
Urgent meetings of old friends hold dear
Years gone leaving traces of hair grey
Joys of reunion time passage not in sway