《擬古》__李白 (701-762) 江紹倫英譯

《擬古》__李白 (701-762) 

生者為過客    死者為歸人
天地一逆旅    同悲萬古塵
月兔空擣藥    扶桑已成薪
白骨寂無言    青松豈知春
前後更嘆息    浮榮何足珍

Ancient VirtualLi Bai (701-762) 

A person living is traveler in passing
A person dead is home so pleasing
Life is but a journey treacherous
A companion case in ten thousand eras
The rabbit on the moon searches for elixir in vain
The Tree of Immortality has become firewood plain
All white bones are silent with no word to say
Green pines know not whence spring on its way
I sigh as I contemplate on past and future story
No reason to value any vagarious glory

《千秋歲·水邊沙外》秦觀 (1049-1100) __ 江紹倫英譯

《千秋歲·水邊沙外》秦觀 (1049-1100)

水邊沙外  城郭春寒退花影亂  鶯聲碎飄零疏酒盞  離別寬衣帶 人不見  碧雲暮合空相對

憶昔西池會  鵷鷺同飛蓋 攜手處  今誰在日邊清夢斷  鏡裡朱顏改 春去也  飛紅萬點愁如海

Tune:  《Ten Thousand Years》__ Qin Guan (1049-1100)

At water front away from sands
The city turns warm as vernal cold wanes Continue reading

《琴歌》 李頎 (690-751) __ 江紹倫譯

《琴歌 李頎 (690-751) 

主人有酒歡今夕    請奏鳴琴廣陵客
月照城頭烏半飛    霜淒萬木風入衣
銅爐華燭燭增輝    初彈淥水後楚妃
一聲已動物皆靜    四座無言星欲稀
清淮奉使千餘里    敢告雲山從此始

Dulcimer Music          Li Qi (690-751)          江紹倫譯

The host has ample wine for everybody this eve
Invited the dulcimer master plays the Guangling at ease
Toward the moonlit city wall birds flying free
The frosty wind reduces the foliages of many trees
Lamps and candelabra render the room bright
The maestro plays Green Waters then the Chu Concubine
Hearing a single melody the audience sits absolutely still
In the silence even stars disappears but a few
My mind returns to my diplomatic post a thousand li away
Dare I tell the clouds and hills here I’d rather stay

《送東萊王學士無競》 陳子昂 (661-702) __ 江紹倫譯

寶劍千金買  平生未許人
懷君萬裡別  持贈結交親
孤松宜晚歲  眾木愛芳春
已矣將何道  無令白發新

Parting Gift                Chen Zhi Ang (661-702)   江紹倫譯

I bought this sword with a thousand gold
Never had I allowed anyone to hold

You are now going ten thousand li away
I give it to you as companion on your way

Pines love to breathe the wintry air
Other trees thrive in spring air

What more is there to say
Waste no words so my hair will slowly grey

《夏日南亭懷辛大》 孟浩然 (689-740) 江紹倫英譯

Pining for a Friend in summer Meng Hao Ran (689-740)   江紹倫譯

山光忽西落  Daylight fades abruptly beyond the west hill
池月漸東上  Up from the eastern waters the moon climbing still
散發乘夕涼  I loosen my hair to enjoy the cool night
開軒臥閒敞  Leaving window open I lie in bed so nigh
荷風送香氣  From the lotus pond the breeze brings a wonderful fragrance
竹露滴清響  From bamboo tops dews drip their sound so softly clear
欲取鳴琴彈  How I like to play my lute merry here
恨無知音賞  But I know no music lover is around to share
感此懷故人  So I pine for you my friend dear
中宵勞夢想  In my dream tonight you will appear

《宴梅道士山房》 孟浩然 (689-740) __ 江紹倫英譯

宴梅道士山房           孟浩然 (689-740)tangcalligraphy

林臥愁春盡    搴帷覽物華    忽逢青鳥使    邀入赤松家
金灶初開火    仙桃正發花    童顏若可駐    何惜醉流霞

A Feast with Monk Mei up the Mountain    Meng Hao Ran(689-740)

Awake in the forest I loath that spring will cease to be an entity
From the open curtain I marvel on nature’s splendid beauty
A legend bluebird arrives suddenly bringing a message
Invitation for me to visit the Immortal Red Pine Village
The burning furnace is set to freely flame
The Legendary Peach is showing its bursting bloom
If you wish childhood looks to last forever
Let’s be drunk with the immortal nectar

《早寒有怀》– 孟浩然 (689-740)__江紹倫英譯

Thoughts on Early Cold Weather  Meng Hao Ran  

木落雁南度  Geese fly southbound as trees shed their leaves
北风江上寒  The north wind arrives rivers turn chilly
我家襄水曲  Where the Xian River turns is my native land
遥隔楚云端  Far into Chu country where clouds end
乡泪客中尽  Long I rove tears from homesickness cease to roll
归帆天际看  A lone sail seen in the horizon it aimlessly floats
迷津欲有问  If I should ask for my way home
平海夕漫漫  Night covers the sea on a pace of its own

《留別王維 》– 孟浩然 (689-740) __江紹倫英譯

《Leaving Wang Wei》  Meng Hao Ran (689-740)  

寂寂竟何待  How forlornly will I wait
朝朝空自歸  With a grieving heart day after day
欲尋芳草去  How I wish to find my friend dear
惜與故人違  Only to regret missing you here
當路誰相假  People in high office will not apprehend
知音世所稀  Bosom friends are hard to find in this land
只應守寂寞  I should be content to lead a solitary life
還掩故園扉  And stay behind closed doors in my native land