《Pining for a Friend in summer》 Meng Hao Ran (689-740) 江紹倫譯
山光忽西落 Daylight fades abruptly beyond the west hill
池月漸東上 Up from the eastern waters the moon climbing still
散發乘夕涼 I loosen my hair to enjoy the cool night
開軒臥閒敞 Leaving window open I lie in bed so nigh
荷風送香氣 From the lotus pond the breeze brings a wonderful fragrance
竹露滴清響 From bamboo tops dews drip their sound so softly clear
欲取鳴琴彈 How I like to play my lute merry here
恨無知音賞 But I know no music lover is around to share
感此懷故人 So I pine for you my friend dear
中宵勞夢想 In my dream tonight you will appear
Pining for…