《千秋歲·水邊沙外》秦觀 (1049-1100) __ 江紹倫英譯

《千秋歲·水邊沙外》秦觀 (1049-1100)

水邊沙外  城郭春寒退花影亂  鶯聲碎飄零疏酒盞  離別寬衣帶 人不見  碧雲暮合空相對

憶昔西池會  鵷鷺同飛蓋 攜手處  今誰在日邊清夢斷  鏡裡朱顏改 春去也  飛紅萬點愁如海

Tune:  《Ten Thousand Years》__ Qin Guan (1049-1100)

At water front away from sands
The city turns warm as vernal cold wanes
Flower shadows flicker in disarray
Fragments of oriole songs in sway
Wandering I now seldom drink
Suffering from separation my coat needs a tight string
My dearest not seen
I face the empty sky where fine clouds dwelt in

How I remember our togetherness at West Pond
Winging together in the air love birds so fond
Where we held hands
I look for you in vain
Dreams rise and break whence the sun disappears
In the mirror a different person now appears
Spring is gone in total
Ten thousand petals waft over a sea of sorrow

1 thought on “《千秋歲·水邊沙外》秦觀 (1049-1100) __ 江紹倫英譯

  1. How’s a thousand years translated to be ten thousand? Time inflation or exaggeration?

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