《宴梅道士山房》 孟浩然 (689-740) __ 江紹倫英譯

宴梅道士山房           孟浩然 (689-740)tangcalligraphy

林臥愁春盡    搴帷覽物華    忽逢青鳥使    邀入赤松家
金灶初開火    仙桃正發花    童顏若可駐    何惜醉流霞

A Feast with Monk Mei up the Mountain    Meng Hao Ran(689-740)

Awake in the forest I loath that spring will cease to be an entity
From the open curtain I marvel on nature’s splendid beauty
A legend bluebird arrives suddenly bringing a message
Invitation for me to visit the Immortal Red Pine Village
The burning furnace is set to freely flame
The Legendary Peach is showing its bursting bloom
If you wish childhood looks to last forever
Let’s be drunk with the immortal nectar

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