蘇幕遮 周邦彥(1057-1121)



Tune: Blinded By Silk Drapes       Zhou Bang Yan  (1057-1121)    江紹倫譯

I lighted incense sweet
To temper the steaming heat
Birds chirp begging for sunshine
On my eave they announced a day so fine
Last night’s raindrops remaining on leaves dried
Within water round and clean
Lotus flowers stand tall against the wind serene

Home is far away
Whence will I return to stay
My family lives south of the city gate
Why a visitor here in the Capital should I prolong my stay
Fishermen may still remember me in the summer
On a light boat I row as I beam
Entering lotus land in my dream

蝶戀花(商調秋思) 周邦彥(1057-1121)



Tune:  Butterfly Loves Flower       Zhou Bang Yan  (1057-1121)    江紹倫譯 

Nesting birds are startled by a moon too bright
The water-clock drips out by the dwindling night
As the wind maid draws water from the Well of Gold
You wake me up and gaze my face with pearly eyes bright
Tears roll down our pillow wetting its cotton cold

We hold hands as frigid air lifts locks on your brow
We loathe knowing our time together is running out
Words of farewell are too sad for the ear
Beyond the rails upstairs the Plough appears
On frosty dews you are far as cock-crows fill the air

送杜少府之任蜀州 (唐) 王勃

Tr. YK Chan 陈耀国譯:

Farewell to Deputy Prefect Du on His Way to Take up His Appointment in Shu

by Wang Bo (649-676)

Through this city wall the Three Qins get their support;

In view is the scenery of the five river ports.

Though parting in a farewell mood,

We share a career in bureaucratic pursuit.

Having us as soul mates within the four seas,

Under heaven’s neighborhood bounds it seems.

At the junction where the road divides,

No wiping tears like lovers cry.



鵲橋仙 (宋)秦觀(1049~1100)



Tune: The Magpie Bridge Immortal            Qin Guan  (1049-1100)   江紹倫譯

Clouds float creating wonders like artist feats
Stars’ fleeting regret repeats
Across the Milky Way the Cowherd Star silently goes to his annual retreat
A single moment together amid golden breeze and jade dew
Can eclipse all human affections in multiple heat

Their love flows tenderly as water
This happy date seems but a dream
They had to leave the Magpie Bridge to go each their own way
When lovers promise to love forever
Need they measure togetherness by hours and day

《清平樂晚春》(宋) 黃庭堅(1045~1105) __ 江紹倫英譯

春歸何處          寂寞無行路
若有人知春去處    喚取歸來同住
春無踪跡誰知      除非問取黃鸝
百囀無人能解      因風吹過薔薇

Late Spring         Huang Ting Jian  (1045-1105)
Tune: Music Serene

O Where did spring go
By herself alone she knows no road
If ever anyone knows her dwelling place
Please call her back to me together we’ll stay

Who’s sure spring has left no trace
Ask the oriole
It sings a hundred tunes for none to know
On wings of wind they fly past the rose

相見歡 《虞美人》 (南唐) 李煜 (937-978) tr. byPhilip Lee

春花秋月何時了  往事知多少
小樓昨夜又東風  故國不堪回首月明中

雕欄玉砌應猶在  只是朱顏改
問君能有幾多愁  恰似一江春水向東流

Original Chinese Poem was composed by the last Emperor of South Tong Dynasty, Lee Yuk, ( a soliloquy the defeated emperor composed when he was imprisoned ) translated by Philip Lee (1960)

Spring flowers and autumn moon came and went in a repetitious span;
How much of the past do we really understand;
The breeze of spring has arrived again to my tiny abode where I am an imprisoned wizen;
Under the shining moon, it was a melancholy moment to reminisce my former empire in the south of far horizons;

My jade palace and the chattel of beauties should still be present and within range;
Except that my youthful appearance and the color of my palace had gone through a holistic change;
When asked how much more worries should I still be feeling much unease;
It is like the unlimited mass of water of the Yang Tze River perpetuating its torrent to the east.

飲湖上初晴後雨 (宋)蘇軾(1037-1101)


Drinking By West Lake in Changeable Weather                江紹倫譯

Beaming waves flicker bright under a sunny sky
Colours of hazy mountains create extraordinary scenes to flirt the eye
Should we compare West Lake with Xi Shi the legend beauty
They are equally radiant seen with make-up or presented naturally

沁園春 (宋)蘇軾(1037-1101)

赴密州 早行 馬上寄子由








To My Brother On My Way to Exile           江紹倫譯
Tune: Qin Garden Spring

In this lone inn the lamp burns a dim green
Cock crows are heard too early in morning
Breaking my lingering dream

Quietly the moon recedes its cold rays
Enters the morning frost here to stay
Clouds and hills together weave fine brocades
Morning dews their pearly drops in display

Worldly affairs go on without limit
Man’s toiling lives are but short visits
How I had led a life joyless and oft in defeat

After singing this song
I mount my saddle in silence to go on
Brooding over a thousand past events as I ride along

Remember our days together in the capital
Somewhat like the young Lu brothers in literary fame

On our brush tips essays of a thousand words easily attained
Knowledge in ten thousand volumes within our rein
We advise great emperors in history
With no difficulty
Careers can only advance on the right time
Decisions are mine
Why not stand aside to watch with folding arms how the world goes by

May we keep in good health
To pass our days and years in tranquillity
And don’t forget to keep wine urns empty

行香子 過七里灘 (宋)蘇軾(1037-1101)





Passing Through The Seven-league Shallows          江紹倫譯
Tune: Joy of Union Eternal

 A boat light as a leaf on water glide
Its dipping oars frighten wild geese nearby
With water and sky serene
Clear shadows follow gentle waves green
In and out of water- plants fishes play
An egret dots the misty space in no haste

So I go
On sandy rills rowing bold
On frigid water enduring the cold
On moonlit rivers serene
Every turn presents me with picturesque scenes
Every bent appears a screen

I recall those years past
Empty days spent
In the emperor’s dreams
Then as now
Deeds and fame n’er end up in books of history

Distant hills stay eternal
Cloudy hills in dishevel
Morning hills ever so green

Parting At Morning by Robert Browning (1812-1889)

Round the cape of a sudden came the sea,
And the sun looked over the mountain’s rim:
And straight was a path of gold for him,
And the need of a world of men for me.

Tr. YK Chan 陳耀國譯:

早別         (英) 罗伯特.博朗


NOTE: “Parting At Morning” and its companion piece Meeting At Night” were published together simply as “Night and Morning”.  For those who wish to translate Meeting At Night”, here it is:

The grey sea and the long black land;

And the yellow half-moon large and low;

And the startled little waves that leap

In fiery ringlets from their sleep,

As I gain the cove with pushing prow,

And quench its speed i’ the slushy sand.

Then a mile of warm sea-scented beach;

Three fields to cross till a farm appears;

A tap at the pane, the quick sharp scratch

And blue spurt of a lighted match,

And a voice less loud, through its joys and fears,

Then the two hearts beating each to each!