聲聲慢 李清照(1084-1151)



Tune:  Adagio        Li Qing Zhao            江紹倫譯

I search and search for what’s missing
Riding on a cold lonely train hissing
Drearily hurtfully painfully

Whence the weather alternates between warm and cold
‘Tis most difficult to forget and hold

Drinking by cups and carafes alone I float
Cannot dispel the gloom of dusk and drifts of sudden blow
I watch geese flying pass
In grief
Could they be the ones I used to know

             …   …   …

Yellow flowers cover everywhere in piles
Who would care to pick any to hold

I sit by the window in solitude
Waiting counting how long will it take till night befall
Of plane trees and drizzles
They patter and grizzle at dusk

For all these
How could the word sorrow my circumstances narrate

南歌子 李清照(1084-1151)



Tune:  Southern Country Song         Li Qing Zhao        江紹倫譯

On high the Milky Way veers
On earth window drapes fall low
Tears wet the pillow and the mat is cold
I wake from sleep to adjust my clothes
Wondering how long this night has to go 

The green on my robe tells the budding lotus seeds
Gold threads fade where embroidered leaves are seen
In old weathers I wear clothes old
Moods remain
‘Tis not the same as moods of old

菩薩蠻 李清照(1084-1151)

風柔日薄春猶早      夾衫乍著心情好      睡起覺微寒   梅花鬢上殘

故鄉何處是    忘了除非醉    沈水臥時燒    香消酒未消

Tune:  Buddhist Dancer         Li Qing Zhao                   江紹倫譯

Gentle breeze and a pale sun signal an early spring
Wearing lined clothes I feel life is warm and pink
Awake from sleep a mild chill still invades
The white mume on my hair fades

Where is my homeland
Only when drunk can I forget this empty feeling
I light incense before I retire to bed at night
In the morning the incense gone but not my drunkenness

揚州慢 (宋)姜夔(1155-1221)


Tune: The Yangzhou Adagio     Jiang Kui   (1155-1221)                 江紹倫譯

To the left of River Huai stands this famous capital town
West of scenic bamboo mount
I alight for a short break in my long journey

Behind me was ten li of bounty land
Green with thriving wheat strand

Ever since the northern land was overrun by the Jerchen steeds
Even tall trees around the wayward ponds
Are tired of hearing war deeds

Approaching dusk
Bugles sounded cold
From vacant towns young and old

This place the poet Du Mu praised with monumental say
Alas he would have a big surprise visiting today

His famed verses on cardamoms and sprig
And dreams in green brothels so sweet
Would be counterpoints in expressing my deep distress

The twenty-four-arch Bridge still a public interest
Beneath them water swirls continue to churn and crest
The cold moon says not a word

Ask the peonies beside these proud bridges
To whom they show their brilliance year after year

《過零丁洋》__ (宋)文天祥(1236~1282)

辛苦遭逢起一經            干戈落落四周星
山河破碎風抛絮            身世飘摇雨打萍
皇恐滩頭說皇恐            零丁洋里嘆零丁
人生自古誰無死            留取丹心照汗青

《Crossing the Lonely Ocean 》__  Wen Tian Xiang  (1236-1282)               江紹倫譯

Moved by the I Ching I built my good character working hard
For four long years I fought our enemy with all my heart
Now my motherland is shattered into pieces like drifting leaves
I swim or sink much like duckweed under heavy rain
For feelings of peril I sigh on Perilous Beach
Crossing Lonely Ocean I feel dreary and lonely
Since days of old man lived but die
I choose to live loyal to my country forever thrive

《離亭燕》 張昪(992─1077)

一帶江山如畫  風物向秋瀟灑  水浸碧天何處斷  翠色冷光相射  蓼岸荻花中  隱映竹籬茅舍

雲際客帆高掛  門外酒旗低垂  多少六朝興廢事  盡入漁樵閒話  悵望倚危欄  紅日無言西下

Tune: Swallow Vacated Pavilion     Zhang Bian(992-1077)     江紹倫譯

My motherland is so picturesque in a grand sweep
The view in autumn is especially splendid and sweet
Water merge with sky as one leaving no stack in space
The sun’s cooling rays match the evening hue with grace
Where on the islets tall reeds thrive like hay
Bamboo fences keep my thatched cabin under shade

Under distant clouds a white sail stands tall
Beyond the mist tavern flags hang low to call
What of events recording the Six Dynasties their rise and fall
Fishermen and loggers weave stories to tell them all
I watch in melancholy the multi-story tower reflecting our glorious past
Saying not a word the sun sets westward fast

一翦梅 李清照(1084-1151)

紅藕香殘玉簟秋   輕解羅裳   獨上蘭舟   雲中誰寄錦書來   雁字回時   月滿西樓

花自飄零水自流  一種相思  兩處閒愁  此情無計可消除  才下眉頭  卻上心頭 

Tune: A Twig of Mume       Li Qing Zhao (1084-1151)     江紹倫譯 

Pink lotus its fragrance fades on a mat of jade
I doff my silk robe
To board alone on an orchid boat
From among the clouds who would send me a letter written on brocade
Whence the geese return
Moonlight will fill my bower

In nature flowers drift as water flows
One single agog
Heartbreaks in two places
How to dismiss this sorrow I know not
It may disappear from eyebrow knit
But sinks into my aching heart deep

如夢令 李清照(1084-1151)


Tune: Like a Dream               Li Qing Zhao (1084-1151)             江紹倫譯 

Last night rain fell intermittently with sudden blows
I slept soundly without finishing my remaining fine brew
This morning I ask my maid who is rolling up the screen
The geraniums are fine she says with a beam
D’you know
D’you know
They ought to grow leaves thick and green and red stems lean

漁家傲 李清照(1084-1151)



Tune Fisherman’s Pride            Li Qing Zhao (1084-1151)           江紹倫譯

Waves of cloud and morning mist adjoin to paint the sky
The Milky Way turns to elicit a thousand sails dance
Dreamy my soul seems to have returned home in heaven
From voices on high
I was asked in earnest where I wish to go

I say ‘tis far far place I would go save the sun is old
My poems are full of verses that shake people’s souls
The legend big bird sails the wind to go ninety thousand li
O wind don’t you stop
My boat will sail through the mountain-bound divine sea

醉花陰 李清照(1084-1151)

薄霧濃雲愁永晝   瑞腦消金獸   佳節又重陽   玉枕紗廚   半夜涼初透

東籬把酒黃昏後    有暗香盈袖     莫道不消魂     簾卷西風    人似黃花瘦

Tune: Drunk Under Flower Shade           Li Qing Zhao (1084-1151)        江紹倫譯

Amid thin mist or thick clouds my sorrows linger night and day
The inlaid animals on my censer play with the incense smoke so gay
‘Tis Double Nine Fest season again
Behind the translucent drapes my jade pillow lay
By midnight chills mercilessly invade

In the evening I drink by the eastern flower hedge
My sleeves filled with fragrance
Who could say this life is not bright and easy
Whence wind from the west uprolls my curtains
Behold my face pale and I am thinner than yellow flowers