《從化溫泉_(1959》《春節前二日由從化回廣州途中_(1959)》 朱德 (1886-1976) 江紹倫英譯

《從化溫泉_(1959》《Hot Spring at Conghua_(1959)》Zhu De

梅花開後桃花開  Following plum flowers pears are in bloom
綠竹青松夾岸排  On the banks bamboos and green pines shown
唯有荔枝園更好  I say the best place is in the Lizi garden
林空噴出暖泉來  Where hot spring waters fill bathing ponds

《春節前二日由從化回廣州途中_(1959)》《To Guangzhou from Conghua (1959)》Zhu De

人說嶺南有早春  They say south of the big mountain has early springs
秧田處處出秧針  Paddy fields everywhere show rice shoots waving
桃紅柳綠花千樹  Red peaches and green willows all trees bloom
菜色青青滿社村  Green vegetables decorate the rural scene in tone

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