《出太行_1940》《Out of Mt. Taiheng_1940》 Zhu De
群峰壁立太行頭 Mt. Taiheng’s many peaks stand like a solid wall
天險黃河一望收 Towering on the Yellow River shores seen once for all
兩岸烽煙紅似火 Battling fires on both banks burn like red fire
此行當可慰同仇 This campaign will rid of our common enemy entire
《贈友人_1941》《To Friends_1941》 Zhu De
北華收復賴群雄 Thanks to our fierce soldiers we have reclaimed our northland
猛士如雲唱大風 Brave patriots in great numbers sing to defend the motherland
自信揮戈能退日 To avert the invading Japanese we have every confidence
河山依舊戰旗紅 Our hills and rills remain safe red banners wave in brilliance