Say “No” to Bill 13

Dear All,

My school recently has had an assembly on anti-bullying which includes anti-bullying against homophobia.  A presenter from the school board speaks strongly favourably for acceptance of same sex partnership including display of affection publicly which by inference would also include all sexual gestures between partners of the same sex.

I guess other schools would have similar assemblies.  I feel perfectly ok with anti-bullying but very uncomfortable with the acceptance of same sex partnership [please note I don’t reject same same sex friendship]!

The pass of Bill 13 will mean that it’s mandatory that schools and their teachers should teach or instill the thinking into the students and it’ll be illegal not to do it.  I’ve signed “NO” to Bill 13.  It’s up to you to decide.

If you have similar thinking as me, please sign the petition!!!

Monica Tang
(former teacher at WYK, 1978~94)

Fountain of Love and Life 生命恩泉, has the episode on this topic on air, April 22 at Fairchild TV 新時代電視