辛棄疾(1140-1207) 茶詩選譯 __江紹倫

《定風波 * 暮春漫興》《滿江紅 * 題冷泉亭》《杏花天》《滿江紅》

《定風波 * 暮春漫興》辛棄疾(1140-1207)
《Tune: Calm Wind and Wave * Late Spring》Xin Qi Ji

少日春懷似酒濃  Spring felt like aged brew in days youthful
插花走馬醉千鍾  Playing games on horseback I drank wine a thousand cups filled
老去逢春如病酒  In old age all springs evoke wine rueful
唯有     Exception
茶甌香篆小簾櫳   A bowl of fragrant tea behind drapes low Continue reading

《煎茶詩贈履約》《暮春齋居即事》文徵明(1470-1559) 江紹倫英譯

《煎茶詩贈履約》 《Tea Making》 Wen Zheng Ming

嫩湯自候魚生眼  The simmering tea awaits fish eyes to appear
新茗還跨翠展旂  Boiling leaves dance showing flags green
穀雨江南佳節近  In south China the Grain Rain Fest is approaching
惠泉山下小船歸  I collect the famous spring water from Mt Hui for tea brewing Continue reading

《西域從王君玉吃荼》耶律楚材(1190-1244) 江紹倫英譯

《Drink Tea with Wang in the Western Region》Ye Lu Chu Cai

啜罷江南一碗茶  After drinking a bowl of tea south of the river
枯腸曆曆走雷車  My dry guts rumble loud like a speeding car
黃金小碾飛瓊雪  The golden grinder reduces the tea leaves tiny
碧玉深甌點雪芽  The green container holds dots of tender white leaves Continue reading

《伯堅惠新茶》劉著(宋) 江紹倫英譯

《Receiving a Gift of New Tea from My Prime Minister》Liu Zhu (Song Dynasty)

建溪玉餅號無雙  The Jade Cake tea from River Jian has no equal
雙井為奴日鑄降  Even the Double Well and Yi Ju teas are humbled
忽聽松風翻蟹眼  In my kettle the pine breeze helps crab-eye bubbles to appear
卻疑春雪落寒江  Just like spring snowflakes falling in a cold river