《蘇軾(1037-1101) 茶詩選譯》江紹倫英譯



《汲江煎茶》《Ladle the River to Make Tea》Su Shi 

活水還須活火烹  Vital water requires vigorous fire to boil
自臨釣石取深清  I ladle water from river deeps squatting at a fishing point
大瓢貯月歸春甕  With a big dipper I pluck the moon to an empty carafe
小杓分江入夜瓶  With a small scoop I guide the river to flow to my pitcher
茶雨已翻煎處腳  Tea leaves turn and churn in snow white bubbles powered by heat
松風忽作瀉時聲  Like hissing among pines they sound gentle and sweet
枯腸未易禁三碗  After three bowls of tea my empty guts are at ease
坐聽荒城長短更  I sit in this forgotten town enduring nights motionless or flee

《望江南*超然台作》《Tune: Viewing River South * Transcendent Platform》

春未老                                     Spring not yet old
風細柳斜斜                   In gentle breezes willows sideways bow
試上超然臺上看           I ascend the Transcendent Platform to behold
半壕春水一城花           The moat carries flowers around the city so beautiful
煙雨暗千家                   A thousand families live in hazy shadow

寒食後                                     Pass the Cold Food Festival
酒醒卻咨嗟                  Awake from drunkenness I sigh in sorrow
休對故人思故國           Longing for home in my old country is of no avail
且將新火試新茶           Better to brew new tea with a new fire temporal
詩酒趁年華                  To drink and write poems in days youthful

《Tune: Silky Sand Brook * On Way from Stony Pond At Shu Zhao》

簌簌衣巾落枣花  Date flowers fall on my scarf with a rustling sound
村南村北響繰車  South and north of the village silk machines busy bound
牛衣古柳賣黃瓜  Shabby farmers sell cucumbers around

酒困路長惟欲睡  On a long road without wine I am feeling drowsy
日高人渴漫思茶  In high noon and thirsty how I wish to drink tea
敲門試問野人家  Knocking on a stranger’s door I try my luck freely

《Tune: Silky Sand Brook * Touring Mt. Lueng with My Friend Liu Qi Shuk》

細雨斜風作小寒  ’Tis cool in drizzles driven by slanting winds
淡煙疏柳媚晴灘  Scattered willows dance to please the beach sunshine seen
入淮清洛漸漫漫  Rapids in River Hui hurried by the turning Lo Stream

雪沫乳花浮午盞  At noon I enjoy a bowl of snow white flower tea
蓼茸萵筍試春盤  And a dish of spring vegetables akin ginseng quality
人間有味是清歡  The best taste in life is happiness in simplicity

《行香子*茶詞》《Tune: Fragrant Song * Tea Poem》

綺席才終          The end of a showy party
歡意猶濃          Joyous feelings linger plenty
酒闌時                         Whence drinking peaks
高興無窮          Bliss infinite
共誇君賜          We praise this gift from our Emperor
初拆臣封          Together we open the tea container
看分香餅          How we divide the fragrant tea cakes together
黃金縷                         Golden Threads
密雲龍                         Dragons in Thick Clouds

鬥贏一水                      In the water-mark competition
功敵千鐘                      A small measure is better than jars thousand
覺涼生 兩腋清風  Through the armpits cool winds blow
暫留紅袖                      Let us maintain our usual harmonious
少卻紗籠                      Belittling wins glorious
放笙歌散                      Stop the music and singers
庭館靜                           Keep the hall in silence
略從容                           Ease the mind for a moment

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